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它是具有无限潜力的医药百宝箱。It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential.

我将是世界上最美丽的百宝箱。I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!

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我给你我百宝箱里的公主——那匹长着粉红色尾巴的白马。But you can have Princess—the white horse from my collection.

目前在“奋进”陨石坑便有一个地质发现的“百宝箱”。And now they have a potential treasure trove in Endeavour Crater.

这是我的“百宝箱”,里面装的都是我心爱的东西。This is my treasure box. It contains the things that I really cherish.

另外从百宝箱中挖出刚好八颗紫色钮扣缝上去。Then I dug out 8 purple buttons from my treasure box and sewed them on.

这是蛇咬的,马上应该采取措施,于是,小鬼打开了他的“百宝箱”拿出了创可贴。"It snake bitten, we should handle this immediately" boy takes out his band-aid.

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接著,生命体可能把蛋白质加入它们的化学百宝箱。Next, the organisms might have added protein making to their bag of chemical tricks.

我给你我百宝箱里的公主——那匹长着粉红色尾巴的白马。But you can have Princess—the white horse from my collection. The one with the pink tail.

他有钥匙,能打开百宝箱——锁着各种球和运动器材的柜子。He had the key to the goodies—the lockers where the balls and athletic equipment were kept.

我有一个百宝箱,装满了自己在课堂上手工制作的物件,比如收音机和电压表。I have a treasure box containing all the items I made by hand in class, including a radio and voltmeter.

我有一个百宝箱,装满了自己在课堂上手工建造的物件,好比收音机和电压表。I have a treasure box containing all the items I made by hand in class, including a radio and voltmeter.

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除此之外,会议百宝箱、聚会就餐菜单以及会议便当都能为客人提供更多的便利。In addition, our Meeting Kits, Snack Attacks, Meet & Eat and Lunch-in options help you to gain more from your meeting.

他把妈妈和我叫进厅里,打开了那只盒子,好象那是一个百宝箱似的。He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest. "Here it is, " he said.

克什克腾旗旅游资源丰富宿有内蒙古旅游的“缩影”和“百宝箱”之称。Keshikten banner tour abound in natural resources name of "miniature" and "hundred precious boxes " having Inner Mongolia tour.

但是这个百宝箱绝对是“非卖品”,它是我所把握的知识和技能的证实,也是我学以致用的证实。But this treasure box is definitely "Not For Sale". It's proof that I have acquired knowledge and skills and am able to put them into practical use.

但是这个百宝箱绝对是“非卖品”,它是我所掌握的知识和技能的证明,也是我学以致用的证明。But this treasure box is definitely “Not For Sale”. It’s proof that I have acquired knowledge and skills and am able to put them into practical use.

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失去了乔布斯,苹果转眼间从能令世界疯狂的百宝箱光芒散尽,成为了万千科技公司中的一员。Without Mr Jobs, Apple suddenly looked much more like just another technology firm, rather than a producer of magical products that excite the world.

火星探测器“机遇号”于7年前便投入计划3个月的任务,最近到达“奋进”陨石坑,预计这将是一个地质考察的百宝箱。Seven years into its three-month mission, the Mars rover Opportunity reaches Endeavour Crater, a possible geological treasure trove. John Matson reports.

联梦娱乐成立于2002年,目前有200多名员工,是中国移动百宝箱的顶级手机游戏开发商。Hangzhou based M-Dream was established in 2002 and now has 120 employees, it's the top provider of cell phone games on China Mobile's Treasure Box game portal.