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她被子母弹击中,是在5天前抵达营地的。She had been hit by shrapnel and arrived in the camp five days earlier.

分析了存在差距的原因,为子母弹对机场毁伤效果的深入研究提供了新途径。A new way was provided to study the damage effect of airdrome runway thoroughly.

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研究了子弹同时抛撒子母弹分离干扰气动特性。Flow characteristics of submunition dispensing simultaneously were investigated.

子母弹是由多种材料组成,结构近似为轴对称形式。Shrapnel is made of many materials and its structure seems to be axial symmetry.

本文将为论证子母弹的杀伤威力提供有力的工具。The paper will provide a useful tool for investigating the lethal power of the shrapnels.

本文还引出了子母弹封锁概率的概念,并作了初步分析。Then the concept of block probability of submunition is introduced and discussed in this paper.

「我向大使解释我个人的遭遇及阿富汗人民希望能禁止子母弹,」哈比布说。"I explained to the ambassador my situation, and that the people of Afghanistan wanted a ban, " Habib said.

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将机场跑道看作线目标,用末修子母弹对其攻击具有较高的射击效能。The terminal correction submunition missile has good shooting efficiency when attacking the airdrome runway.

侵彻子母弹的抛撒高度直接影响着导弹对目标的打击效果。The separation height of intrusive submunition missile directly affects the attacking effect of the missiles.

针对子母弹的爆轰开仓问题,本文在应力波方面进行一些探讨和研究。In this paper the pertaining research on stress wave is made in the course of explosion and smash of shrapnel.

是子母弹对航空母舰毁伤效果分析的第三部分。This article is the third section to analysis effectiveness of the damage submunition against aircraft carrier.

控制子母弹子弹的落速和落姿可以大大提高子母弹的毁伤效能。To control the fall velocity and the fall attitude of the sub- munitions can highly improve the damage efficiency.

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现代战场上子母弹、撒布地雷等撒布弹药的大量使用,带来了严重的未爆弹药问题。With cargo projectile being attached importance to by the world, serious problem of unexploded ordnance has arisen.

这是子母弹对航空母舰毁伤效果分析的第二部分。This is the second section about damage effectiveness analysis of aircraft carrier under the attacking of submunition.

针对飞航导弹子母弹打击机场跑道,建立了子母弹抛撒的椭圆散布模型。Aiming at aerodynamic missile with cluster warhead to block runway, ellipse dispersion model of cluster warhead is built.

导弹会使用高爆炸药或子母弹头,而且会基本上是“炸弹”不能中途引爆。The missiles would use high explosive or cluster bomb warheads, and would basically be "bombs" that could not be stopped.

目前炸弹的来源地并且签署了子母弹协议的西班牙没有发表任何声明。There was no immediate comment from Spain, a signatory to the cluster munition convention, on the provenance of the bombs.

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本文研究火箭武器用子母弹对坦克群射击的射击效力。This paper studies the effectiveness of fire when the rocket weapon fires rockets containing sub-missiles at a tank-group.

爱尔兰协议将会禁止子母弹的设计,也要求在八年内摧毁火药的存量。The Ireland agreement would ban current designs of cluster bombs and require the destruction of stockpiles within eight years.

现代战争中为取得制空权使用侵彻子母弹对敌方的机场跑道进行攻击是一种有效的战术手段。In the present-day war, it is an effective tactics to attack enemy airports with intrusive submunition missiles for mastery of the sky.