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认知代表思想。Cognition-- thoughts.

它有关认知价值。It’s about perceived value.

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什么是认知语言学?What is Cognitive Linguistics?

对家暴现象存在的认知。Acknowledge the existence of abuse.

认知需要观念,观念也需要认知。Percepts need concepts, and vice versa.

这种数据与事实相悖的情况引起了一些人的认知失调。This has caused some cognitive dissonance.

因此,在这里对食物的认知非常重要So the perception is really important here.

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每个小孩对寄养家庭的认知都有所不同。Each child to foster cognitive is different.

品牌认知方面,它仍然缺乏清晰的定义。Image-wise, it still lacks a clear identity.

使用“分块记忆”降低认知负荷Use "chunking" to reduce cognitive overhead.

我们有重要的认知与思想。We have cognitions and thoughts that matter.

什么能认知理念或者型相呢What is it that grasps the ideas or the forms?

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认知任务的增加将减弱自控力。Increased cognitive load decreases self-control.

她曾在Rawson的认知学实验室工作。She worked in Rawson's cognitive psychology lab.

这孩子创造一个认知地图或生活方式。The child creates a cognitive map or life-style.

从认知的角度说,标注就是这么回事。This is how tagging works, cognitively speaking.

知识是一种具有客观基础的认知。Knowledge is a cognizance of basic impersonality.

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这是我觉得最安全也是最能认知自己的地方。It was where I felt most safe and most recognized.

我们能根据其认知能力对这个作出预测。We may be able to predict that based on cognition.

到底这些神秘的非认知技能该如何定义?And what are these mysterious non-cognitive skills?