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他用浆糊粘信封。He sealed the envelope with paste.

他把两张纸用浆糊粘在一起。He sticks two pieces of paper with paste.

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瞧,浆糊都嘎巴在你袖子上了。Look , the paste has crusted on your sleeve.

有个家伙的内脏被一匹马捣成了浆糊。A man’s insides were turned into soup by a horse.

削减和浆糊技术被当作解救劳动的帮助使用。Cut and paste techniques are used as labor-saving aids.

大的投资银行都是一脑子浆糊。The big investment banks were the ultimate confusopolies.

所以你是说大部分右翼都是浆糊脑袋?So are you saying that right-wing people are mostly thick?

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我匆仓促品味了浆糊然后将其丢在废泥灰上。I tasted the paste in haste and cast it on the waste plaster.

胶水和浆糊是用来使一个表面黏到另一个表面上的。Glue and paste are used to make one surface adhere to another.

这样弄出的面粉就可以搅拌在浆糊和煮的东西里了。The resulting flour could then be whisked into a dough and cooked.

我贴墙纸时手上和衣服上全都沾满了浆糊。When I put wallpaper up I got paste all over my hands and clothes.

某些人把它称为“资本浆糊”这一倒胃口的名字。Some have referred to it by the unappetizing name "capital jelly ".

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为什么最近的白带像浆糊无色无味?Why does recent leucorrhoea resemble sizy and colorless insipidity?

其特征是浆糊中含有凹凸棒石粉末。It is characterized by containing concave and convex rod stone powder in said paste.

在怀孕期间还有产后期间,妈妈们经常感到她们的大脑都快成浆糊了。During pregnancy and the post-partum period, women often feel their brains turning to mush.

在催化裂化炉前使用废气浆糊也会引起塑胶制品破裂。The use of exhaust paste before the catalytic converter can also cause the monolith to break.

为进行麦精处理使粮食发芽时,淀粉变成浆糊和葡萄糖。When grain is allowed to germinate for malting purposes, starch is changed to dextrine and dextrose.

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本发明提供一种无粮浆糊供人们代替浆糊使用。The present invention provides a kind of flourless paste which can be used as a substitute for paste.

刮去浆糊以后,布干透了,就可以开始画了。When the paste is scraped off and the cloth gets thoroughly dried, the material is ready for painting.

绘制航图基本靠曲线笔、小刀和浆糊,图上的注记用手写。Scale chart leans basically contour pen, penknife and sizy, on the graph note write down with handwritten.