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您尽可以把我想象成一个循规蹈矩的人。You can think I'm a wimp if you want.

变成一个循规蹈矩的人有其好处。Being a serious person has its benefits.

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她是个顺从和循规蹈矩的孩子。She is an obedient and well-behaved child.

喜剧是不循规蹈矩者最后的避难所。Comedy is the last refuge of the nonconformist mind.

我曾想成为一个问题少年,然而我却循规蹈矩地活了这么多年。Im hearing what you say but i just cant make a sound.

在这个时候,循规蹈矩等于罪恶,谨言慎行就是愚蠢。These are times when virtue is vice and prudence is folly.

他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person.

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在这个公司里,你必须循规蹈矩才能保住饭碗。To hold you job at this company, you must follow rules docilely.

中国男人循规蹈矩,缺少变化,我早已经对他们感到厌倦。Chinese men are priggish . I am bored with them. I hunger for you.

⊙、我曾想成为一个问题少年,我却循规蹈矩的活了这么多年。I wanted to be a problem, but I conform to live for so many years.

关键是要知道何时该循规蹈矩,何时需破旧立新。The key is knowing when to follow the rules and when to break them.

我们都是辛勤工作的人,我们做每件事情都循规蹈矩。We're both hardworking people, and we've done everything by the book.

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去年,学校一个大众族的循规蹈矩的女生怀了孕。Last year one of the most popular preppie girls at school got pregnant.

一般情况下,徒步参观游和有导游讲解的博物馆游循规蹈矩、耗时也长。If you need a break and a few hours to rest your feet, take a boat tour.

中国并不循规蹈矩,而印度却太因循守旧。While China doesn't follow the rules, India has too many rules to follow.

还是它是一项特权,附带有循规蹈矩的责任?Or is it a privilege, carrying with it a responsibility for good behavior?

我并没循规蹈矩得去做那些,而是开始看西班牙语的电视剧和电影。Instead of doing that I’ve started watching TV-series and movies in Spanish.

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但循规蹈矩却可以让我花很少的时间就可以读懂我的代码。But I spend a lot less time trying to comprehend my code than I would otherwise.

在循规蹈矩的上世纪50年代,美国高校宿舍限制异性出入。In the prim 1950s, college dorms were off-limits to members of the opposite sex.

达斯汀·霍夫曼将为熊猫阿波的师父——一位生性固执、循规蹈矩的功夫大师献声。Dustin hoffman panda, for the master, is a stubborn, orderly kungfu master offered.