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首先就去做。Do it first.

首先,见效快。First, it's quick.

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首先,她打呼噜。First, she snores.

首先,先来说说哪些绝对不能说的话。First, the Nevers.

首先,不要树敌。Don’t make enemies.

首先,挑一个任务。First, pick a task.

首先,它是排序。First, it is sorted.

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不过,首先要修练它。But work on it first.

首先是套袋跑。First is a sack race.

首先是诊断。First, the diagnosis.

首先我们需要肠子。At first we need guts.

首先,金钱至上。First, wealth matters.

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首先是盖斯定律。First one is Hess' Law.

通过“首先支付自己”。By paying herself first.

首先你得承认你会这样做。First confess you do it.

首先,我们做了泥球。First we made mud balls.

我首先想到的是我的哥哥。I start with my brother.

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首先拿一枝笔和一张纸。First get a pen &a paper.

首先,重展你的笑颜。First, regain your smile.

首先,有什么对你言是新的?First, what's new to you?