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它拥有一个子集There's a subset.

多数企业只运行子集。Most companies only run subsets.

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在你看来,一个是另一个的子集吗?Is one a subset of another in your mind?

在测试子集中,我们保留了打分。For the test subset, we withheld the scores.

取得指定名称处的子集合。Gets the child collection at the given name.

取得指定索引处的子集合。Gets the child collection at the given index.

这样将在左边窗格中打开您的子集。Doing so brings up your subset in the left pane.

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测试用例是上游测试的不同子集。Test cases are a variant subset of upstream testing.

首先,每个分区都有自己的元数据子集。First, each partition has its own subset of metadata.

事实上,UPC商品条码是更广义的EAN条码的子集。UPC is in fact a subset of the more general EAN code.

服务程序控制台程序的一个子集。Service programs are a subset of console applications.

第一种仅仅是使用完全独立的子集。The first is to simply use completely separate subsets.

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通过数据抽样,只需扫描数据的一个子集即可。With data sampling, only a subset of the data is scanned.

然后每个子集被清仓到对应的数据库。Then each subset is flushed to the corresponding database.

本质上,CIL是C语言的一个高级结构化的“整洁”的子集。In essence, CIL is a highly-structured, 'clean' subset of C.

从某些目标容量子集将请求路由到别处。Route requests away from a certain subset of target capacity.

这些子集随不同的用户和不同的需要而异。These subsets differ from user to user and from need to need.

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每种安装类型安装不同的软件包子集。Each installation type installs a different subset of packages.

这些独立任务中的每一个都是主用例的一个子集。Each of these standalone tasks is a subset of the main use case.

这将使按主题编制子集合目录成为可能。This would enable the production of subset catalogues by subject.