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这篇论文篇幅太长。This paper is too long.

将内容控制在一页篇幅以内。Keep it to one page in length.

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可否借用贵报一点宝贵的篇幅。May I trespass on your valuable space.

不能只根据篇幅长短来评价一本书。A book is not judged only on its length.

但,我们只花了很少的篇幅叙述限制符。But we've said little about constraints.

篇幅有限,不能对此详加描述。Space lacks for a detailed description of it.

此事件在新闻中得到了大篇幅的报导。The story got extensive coverage on the news.

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这本书的主要缺点是篇幅太长。The chief objection to this book is its great length.

以下采访的内容因篇幅和清晰度有所删改。The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

由于篇幅有限,现在不能深入讨论这个问题。Lack of space forbids further discussion at this point.

这纯粹是因为本文篇幅所限。This is purely due to space limitations in the article.

这些字大约相当于150本中等篇幅的书。The verbal equivalent of about 150 average-length books!

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由于篇幅所限,本文主要分五章进行阐述。Due to the limitation , this paper divides five chapters.

匀出篇幅来,就可以多举些例子了。We would give more examples if we could afford the space.

该社论用很大篇幅阐述计划生育政策。The editorial invests heavily in a family planning policy.

即使还有篇幅,现在我也还不能解释其本质。Heady stuff that I cannot yet explain, even if I had space.

西莉亚亲笔写下的致萨姆的信篇幅不长。Celia's letter, handwritten and addressed to Sam, was brief.

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篇幅所限,很多其他的特性我不能提及。There are many other features I haven't the space to mention.

避免大篇幅的连续文本,把他们分解成多个小的章节。Avoid large blocks of text. Break them into smaller paragraphs.

此处将用整节的篇幅来显示该示例中的各个代码段。Code fragments from this sample appear throughout this section.