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辞退后,我就失却了稳定的经济来源。I lost a steady income after I was fired.

你得到了使用的便利,失却了对程序的控制和速度。You trade in control and speed, for ease of use.

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⊙、一个人思虑太多,就会失却做人的乐趣。A man thought too much, will lose the fun of life.

一个人思虑太多,就会失却做人的乐趣。One thought too much, it will lose the fun of life.

夸张,是失却了抑制的事实。An exaggeration is a truth that have lose its temper.

念想中的美好,有时候恍若失却了真实。The goodness in memory, sometimes seems to lost its truth.

失却了对自然的意识,“做人”在现代性教育中丧失了。"To be human" has been lost in the education in modernity.

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从中尝到了过去的种种,那是他还未曾意识到、却早已失却的过往。A taste of the past, one he hadn't even realized he missed.

只怕为了那一刻的拥有,反而失却更多。I am afraid that the moment in order to own, but lose more.

人们对社会的制度失却了信心,共产制度于是来临。People lost faith in the social system and then communism came in.

没有好友,基于社区的服务会失却很大价值。Without friends, community-based services lose much of their value.

真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵.。Honest friendship is health, whose preciousness will not felt until lost.

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当我们思索那些失却的东西时,我们还能有多少自豪之情?And how much pride can we take in that when we think of all that we have lost?

真挚的友谊犹如健康,不到失却时,无法体味其珍贵。——培根。The true friendship is like health, we can't appreciate the precious until lose it.

那充斥的性以及失却灵魂的女人,那些蛇蝎美人,又是怎么回事呢?And what about all the sex, and the prominence of the soulless woman, the femme fatale?

而女人施暴对男人造成的精神创伤和自信的缺失却远比男人施暴对女人所带来的影响要严重的多。The mental scares and loss of self-confidence are as devastating for a man as they are for a woman who gets beaten by a man.

但所有这些给“有”进一步具体的规定,均足以使“有”失却其为刚才所说的那种直接性的纯有。But every additional and more concrete characterization causes Being to lose that integrity and simplicity it had in the beginning.

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当然,我对华盛顿的记忆是由我当时的心灵状态,它的向往、它的失却与希望——涉及的完全是其他事物——形成的。Certainly the Washington of my memory is shaped by my soul at the time, by its yearnings and losses and hopes, all for other things.

UML中能算是高层次抽象的部分只有用例图,而这是在完全失却精确性的情况下。The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram, and that's only at the total loss of precision.

在那些原有生活被打破、家庭被冲散、失却家园,但是决心恢复生活的意志中。In the resilience of those whose lives have been destroyed, families swept away, homes lost, but they resolve to rebuild their lives.