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事实上,许多声优也是实至名归的。In fact, many seiyuu deserve this recognition.

我们期待目睹他的全新方式是否真正实至名归。We wait to see if this new approach actually materialises.

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随你怎麽想,我还是认为约翰得那个讲实在是实至名归。Think what you want. I still think John deserved that award.

他获得金手套奖乃实至名归,在这里我也要恭喜他。He is well worth the Golden Glove award so congratulations to him.

因此,杜总监获颁PADI教练发展奖乃实至名归。Therefore Mr. To truly deserves the PADI Instructor Development Award.

脱口秀女王奥普拉-温弗瑞喜获奥斯卡声誉奖,实至名归。Oprah Winfrey has deservingly won an honorary Oscar at the Governors Awards.

喝水在预备队整个赛季都干得不错,他被召入国家队也是实至名归。Danny Welbeck, who had also been included in the England U19s squad, did not play.

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作为他们的老师,我知道他们每一个人来到这里都是实至名归的,虽然其中理由各不一样。As their teacher I could see that they all deserved to be there for different reasons.

阿希什·库马尔更是用自己的行动证明了他在英联邦运动会的那块奖牌也是实至名归的。Ashish Kumar demonstrated that his medals at the CommonWealth Games were well-deserved.

这个实至名归的奖项以及中国的过度反应与整个事件所反映的超现实主义一样。It was a well-deserved honor and China’s over-the-top reaction was as surreal as it was telling.

他的魅力,智慧和气魄让他实至名归,成为教你摆脱肥臀,甩掉脂肪的最佳人选。His charisma, wit and verve make him just the person to tell you to get off your ass and lose weight.

卡索帝是不折不扣的尤文蒂尼和实至名归的优秀主席,尤文图斯将永远铭记这位万众爱戴的伟大人物。The club remembers with affection this great man, who was also a great supporter and a great Chairman.

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使地方高校财经类示范实验室平台建设做到实至名归。Based on above, construction on financial laboratory platform of local colleges could be come into practice.

之前几位获得诺贝尔和平奖的美国总统的确实至名归。Indeed, the reasoning behind the awarding of the prize to previous American presidents has been easier to discern.

此后,新西兰抵御住了意大利一波波猛烈地攻势,最终守得一场实至名归的平局。For the rest of the match, New Zealand withstood a barrage of relentless Italian attacks and battled to derserved draw.

紫色基调更给整个环境增添了些许的神秘,取名“盘丝洞”还真是实至名归。The purple tone even adds a little mystery to the whole environment-this " Cave of Silver Web " really deserve its name.

来自波兰的“宇宙中心”,不仅外形宏伟壮观,设计理念也出类拔萃,可以说是实至名归的冠军得主。Complex at the Centre of the Universe, an entry from Poland, is majestic in its proportions and brilliant in its conception.

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喝水在预备队整个赛季都干得不错,他被召入国家队也是实至名归。Drinkwater has been impressive all season in United's Reserves, and his recognition at international level is well-deserved.

首先,这当然是他个人的荣誉,但更是我们整个国家的荣誉。我认为这是实至名归。It's an honor for him, first and foremost of course, but it's an honor for our country. I think it's extremely well deserved.

费德勒的胜利实至名归,对我来说,他是史上最伟大的选手,所以说完全应得法网的冠军。Roger is a really worthy winner. To me he is the best player in history so he really deserves to win here at the French as well.