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她是西域女子,而他是中原男子。She is the woman, and he is the man.

那就这么多勋章,西域分王这个封号留着。If I could have one more medal, I would. But I just can't.

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丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前二世纪,当时一名官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接欧亚两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。The historyof the Silk Way could track back to 2 century BC.

今天成了西域男孩还是后街男孩呢?Would he today be fronting Westlife, or be a Back Street Boy?

一个死里逃生的西域商客从沙漠中逃到绿洲。A survivor of the Western business passenger fled from the desert to oasis.

其次对吐谷浑在西域的拓展情况进行纵向论述。Second, in the Western Regions of Tuguhun longitudinal expansion on the situation.

以前,在她眼里他只是中原的茶商辗转在西域等地。Previously, in her eyes he only China Merchants traveled in Western and other places.

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岑参的西域诗真实地反映了这一变迁,为历史提供了难得的佐证。The Xiyu's Poems by Censen truly reflect the vicissitudes, which provide rare evidence.

西域地区总是会有很多的宗教信仰存在。Western Region has always been a region where a number of religions exist side by side.

南方和西域用民族文字撰写了一些有价值的文献。The minorities of the Western and Southern Regions also composed some valuable documents.

和田是早期中的中国西域历史中的佛教中心。Hetian was the center of the Buddhist faith in the early years of Western Chinese history.

随后瀚海军府在庭州设立,又使瀚海与西域相关联。Subsequently, the Hanhai army stationed at Tingzhou, which related Hanhai to the western region.

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西域少数民族诗人不忽木与其子回回、巎巎都是元朝一代名臣。Western minority poet Buhumu and his sons Hui Hui, Nao Nao are famous ministers in Yuan dynasty.

后世产生的小说、戏曲,也与河西走廊传入的西域文化不无关系。The novel, traditional opera were related to the culture that was imported from the other people.

唐朝在重新统一西域以后,实行了地方行政制度。After reunifying the Western Uegions, the Tang Dynasty instituted the local administrative system.

大禹治水也曾到西域察山观水明辨流向。Dayu flood control have to review the Western Regions Mountain View Distinguish the flow of water.

直至人族联合西域妖族,将魔族驱赶到极地草原,方始承平。Until the Terran United western beastkin, will drive to the polar Mozu grassland, only the pacific.

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西汉年间,曾两度出使西域的是以下哪一位?During the Western Han Dynasty, who was twice sent on a diplomatic mission to the western territories?

东汉时,西域安息国王向中国献上了第一头狮子。The first lion was presented to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty by a king from the Western Regions.

清末诗人宋伯鲁的西域诗有自己独有的特点。Song Bolus Western Region poems have their own distinctive characteristics at the end of the Qing Dynasty.