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你喜欢这种样式吗?Do you care for this style?

来点新样式会很好的。Something new would be nice.

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垂直样式控制?。VFC? Vertical Forms Control?

喜生活样式,不做方法功。Xi life style, do not approach.

样式用于大字体标签。Style for label with large font.

样式用于小字体标签。Style for label with small font.

为主题添加样式工作单Add the style sheet for the theme

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它定义了版式样式。It defines styles for typography.

二进位样式是相同的。The binary pattern was identical.

设置一个新的扩张窗口样式。GWL_STYLE Sets a new window style.

它是模仿一种欧洲的样式建造的。It was built after a European model.

它是模仿一种欧洲的样式修建的。It was built after a European model.

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每个样式表都位于自己的文件中。Every style sheet is in its own file.

引人注目的样式因素都是额外的。All the stylistic eye candy was extra.

将内联样式添加到文本吗?Do you add inline styling to the text?

通过一个组件外加一个样式名。Through a component plus a style name.

下面是我的密友喜欢的围巾样式及颜色。Belows are my secret pal's preferences.

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按下它会显示可用的字串样式选单。Click for a menu of available captures.

添加预先创建的样式和格式Adding pre-created styles and formatting

价钱随型号大小和样式而变化。The prices differ with- size and design.