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书籍是精神食粮。Books are food for the mind.

我们的食粮够吃半年的。Our food will last for half a year.

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我们汲收的精神食粮是会影响我们的行为的。What we feed our minds affects how we act.

读书带给我们有营养的精神食粮。Reading brings us nutritious spiritual food.

广博的见闻是赠给知识贫乏者的宝贵的精神食粮。A broad range of horizons is donated to know?

包尔第得先生给索米斯提供了思索的食粮。Mr. Polteed provided Soames with food for thought.

因此我们,像耶稣自己那样,成为世上的食粮。Thus we, like Jesus himself, become food for the world.

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“咱们都能提供精神食粮,”奥马登。伯克先生说。We can all supply mental pabulum , Mr O'Madden Burke said.

食粮摄入碳水化合物不会直接导致体重增加。Eating carb in moderation doesnot directly leat to weight gain.

她宛如一只商船,由远处运来食粮。She is like the merchant's ship, she bringeth her bread from afar.

在亚洲国家,多数人依靠大米为食粮。In Asian countries, the majority of people depend on rice for food.

这样将会扩大你的视野并会给你带来很多思想的食粮。It will expand your horizons and give you a lot of food for thought.

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“我却一贯认为,诗是爱情的食粮,”达西说。"I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love," said Darcy.

在亚洲国家,多数人依靠大米为食粮。In the Asian countries, most people rely on rice as their staple grain.

但在夏天却知准备食粮,在秋收时积贮养料。She secures food in summer and stores up provisions during harvest time.

系黍类食粮,黏性大,陇东惟灵台盛产。Department of millet food type, viscosity, and Longdong Lingtai but rich.

而这些模式会成为你下个阶段供分析之用的食粮。These patterns will be the grist for your analytical mill in the next stage.

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爱情,你的话是我的食粮,你的气息是我的醇酒。Giovanni Boccaccio ● love, your words are my food, your spirit is my Chunjiu.

在中国,电视越来越成为人们生活当中不可缺少的精神食粮。In China, TV increasingly has become indispensable among people living manna.

买化妆品的钱是否能多给孩子补充一些精神食粮。Buy cosmetics of money if you can give children added some mental nourishment.