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你知道更多的快捷方式?Do you know more shortcuts?

在IE工具栏中加入快捷图标。Add short cut icon on IEs toolbar.

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快捷图标未能上传。The favicon could not be uploaded.

电脑点歌找歌快捷、简单吗?Computer Select song is fast and easy?

我们的学习是高效快捷的学习。Our study is high efficient and quick.

这个快捷方式适用于所有的数值输入框。This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.

为所有主要功能提供快捷方式。Key-press shortcuts for all major functions.

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不要让报应女神娜美西斯用快捷的船舰捉拿我。Let not nemesis catch me by the swift ships.

独特的换字结构,方便快捷。Special changement structure. Easy and fast.

当你遣回那两名快捷的使者。By those swift messengers return'd from thee.

CDL测井仪打捞工具现场组装快捷,操作方便。CDL tool is very easy to assemble and operate.

没有别家可提供如此快捷的服务。No other printers can offer such fast service.

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因为我昨晚在假日快捷酒店住宿。I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

质量保证,起货快捷。To ensure the quality, quick delivery, welcome!

使用邮件发送指向当前页的快捷方式。Sends a shortcut to the current page using mail.

肢蹄强壮,行动快捷,无跛行。Strong on legs, move easily, free from lameness.

电视和电影节目租借用起来真的很简单快捷.TV and movie rentals are really snappy and fast.

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零选择是通向低质量的最快捷路线。Zero choice is the fastest route to low quality.

创建桌面快捷方式来运行远程桌面Creating a Desktop Shortcut to run Remote Desktop

恶意软件甚至可以添加桌面快捷方式到您的PC。Badware can even add desktop shortcuts to your PC.