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四月万事不烦忧。No worries for April.

比憎恨的明伤是更大的烦忧。To bear greater wrong, than hate's known injury.

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美国就不会为中国航母来美国海岸感到烦忧。The US would never gripe about a Chinese carrier off its shore.

伴着新年钟声,忘记所有烦忧,开心快乐过好每一天。With the New Year bell, forget all CARES and have a good happy every day.

总以为我是一个乐观的人,不会有太多的烦忧。I always thought that was an optimistic person, there are not many worries.

晚上睡觉的时候不用为金钱烦忧,这是我梦想成真的最佳标志。Getting to sleep at night without worrying about money is the ultimate sign of “making it.”

其中一人提议要去可以排除一切烦忧的花之岛。One of them proposes going to Flower Island, a spot where all pain and sadness will disappear.

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满足我们细胞的需要很重要,但是我们并不想在那个层次烦忧。Meeting our cellular needs is still important, but we don’t want to fuss at that level too much.

抛开工作的烦忧,读者能够体会到心动不如行动的“在路上”情怀。Set aside the bustle of work, the reader can better appreciate echocardiography action "on the road" feeling.

如果他是对的,那么过去几年中许多大宗商品的价格的高涨将会带来令每个人都烦忧的信息。If he is right, then the surge in many commodity prices over the last few years may carry a disturbing message for everyone.

至亲的离去,会给伙伴、朋友、家庭带来深深的创伤。为了缓解他们的烦忧,请尽可能地给予最大的抚慰。The loss of a loved one can leave partners, friends, and family devastated. To ease the burden, offer whatever solace you can.

中华儿女心连心,遇到困难共打拼,和谐社会同携手,祖国母亲少烦忧!The children at heart, the difficulties encountered were hard work, harmonious society and to join hands with the motherland little fuss!

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你也许会很惊讶的发现你们学校的美国学生有富家子弟,也有每天为了生计烦忧的穷学生。You may be surprised to find American students at your university who come from very modest means and who struggle daily with money issues.

欢乐也罢、烦忧也罢,一切都因有了女儿琼琼而变得琐碎,但又显得丰富而充实!Happy also Ba , trouble You also Ba, everything because of have got Daughter Qiong Qiong become trifling, but again look rich and substantial!

在秋风中行走,最好再夹着纷纷细雨,沐涤我所有的烦忧,洗去我满身的尘埃。To walk in the autumn, the best one after another and then sandwiched with rain and the Mu-wash all my anxieties, wash away the dust of my whole body.

虽然他们也会遇到诸如类人生物横冲直撞或人类入侵一类问题时,但它们的生活似乎不受这些常常把其它精灵弄得焦头烂额的烦忧影响。While they face problems from rampaging humanoids or the encroachment of humans, they seem to live free of the cares that so often plague other elves.

因此,我希望这个详细记载了海陆旅游路线资料的「西贡旅游网」网站可带领你进入一个脱离尘嚣,忘却烦忧的旅程。I hope that "Travel in Sai Kung", with its detailed information on sea and land travelling routes, will help usher you into a trip of relaxation and rest.

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如果你觉得它已经被烦忧与焦虑所充斥,被街道的噪音所撕裂,被账单、邮件以及烟雾所轰炸的话,来找我吧,来找到属于你的宁静吧。If you find it full of worries and disquietude, split by the noise of the streets, bombarded by bills and emails and smoke, come to me and find your peace.

置身其中,便觉无事可以烦忧——风儿会带走它们,掠过绿毯般的莽莽草原,消逝于远方。I felt that there, nothing really mattered, because no matter what happened the wind would just blow it far away, across the colossal green blanket to be buried.

投资者也将重返市场,美国家庭将不再为退休烦忧,慢慢地,稳稳地,自信就回来了,我们的经济也恢复了。Investors will return to the market, and American families will see their retirement secured once more. Slowly but surely, confidence will return, and our economy will recover.