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男性有优先权,依旧卓尔不群Men have precedency and still excel

你方可在我方报盘方面享有优先权。You may enjoy priority in our offers.

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向访问分配一个优先权或者安全性。Assign a priority or severity to the call.

第三部分为许可证水权的优先权。The third part is water-rights priorities.

为什么优先权变的如此混乱?Why have our priorities become so mangled?

但是这些优先权经常是冲突的。Yet these priorities are often in conflict.

哪名球员在下一洞有优先权?Which player has the honor at the next hole?

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在要求此事方面,我比你有优先权。E. g. 2. I have priority over you in my claim.

现在你的需要和想法拥有优先权了。Your priority can be YOUR wants and needs now.

在人行横道上,行人有优先权。In a crosswalk, pedestrians have the right of way.

为防止冲突,您应该确定优先权。You determine precedence in the case of conflicts.

玩家只能在他拥有优先权时使用瞬间。A player may play instants whenever he or she has priority.

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座位优先权会给那些在候补名单上的学生。Priority in seating will be given to those on the waitlist.

“这优先权原是属于我的,”赖格尔说,“可我没有家。”"I have the priority," observed Laigle, "but I have no home."

而且,创业为那些给自己工作的人赢得了一些优先权。And that sets a bit of precedence for people working on their own.

优先权作为一项古老的特权,是为了保护弱者利益而生的。Priority is an ancient privilege born to protect the unprivileged.

清算优先权和反稀释条款有多重要?How important are liquidation preferences and anti-dilution clauses?

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因此我国未来民法典中应当建立完整的优先权制度。So we should establish the system of priority in our future Civil Code.

遇险的航空器享有优先于所有其他航空器的航行优先权。An aircraft in distress has the right-of-way over all other air traffic.

具有高优先权的客户将被路由到第二个服务端点。Client with high priority will be routed to the second service endpoint.