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大约2500年以前,有一场旷日持久的战争。About 2500 years ago there was a very long war.

与艾滋病的斗争将会是一场旷日持久的拉锯战。The fight against AIDS will be a long drawn fight.

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法国和越南的军队进入了一场旷日持久的围城战。The French and Vietminh settled in for a long siege.

这个旷日持久的会议最终没能达成一致意见。The long-lasting meeting failed to reach a consensus.

这场旷日持久的两党之争使全世界都为之担忧。The epic bipartisan struggle unnerved the whole world.

我们不希望看到欧洲被旷日持久的危机所削弱。We don’t want to see Europe weakened by a protracted crisis.

我寻求一些项目或旷日持久的合作程序员。I seek programmer for some projects or for long-drawn collaboration.

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在一个大部分公民是文盲的国家,这将是旷日持久的。In a country in which many people are illiterate, this is time-consuming.

医改曾经看上去是场败仗,但结果证明不过是旷日持久的一仗。Healthcare looked like a lost battle – but it turned out just to be a long battle.

如果这事业,这样旷日持久和不知疲乏,又能这样英勇不屈而威风凛凛,那才好呵!If the enterprise were as heroic and commanding as it is protracted and unwearied!

叙利亚人民誓要开展一场旷日持久、不确定和暴力的争取自由的斗争。The Syrian people's fight for freedom promises to be long, uncertain, and violent.

这场旷日持久的战争使他们国家财政濒于破产的边缘。This long-drawn-out war brought their country's finance to the verge of bankruptcy.

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任何更改这一意见的尝试,都可能导致一场旷日持久的争论。Any attempt to modify this consensus runs the risk of opening up a prolonged debate.

第一,中美两国应当携起手来,防止出现旷日持久的全球衰退。First, the two countries should join forces to prevent a protracted global recession.

所有这些使得眼前的驴象之争更像是为宗教选票而战,它不像一场旷日持久的战争。All this makes for a much more even fight for the religious vote than for a long time.

函数概念对数学发展的影响贯穿古今、旷日持久。The influence of function concept on the development of mathematics is long-drawn-out.

欧洲两个最易动怒的邻国间一场旷日持久的争吵变得不堪入耳。A long-running dispute between two of Europe’s most prickly neighbours is turning nasty.

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这场可谓是旷日持久的战争直到1492年占领军被迫投降后,才最终告一段落。The it may be said is long war until 1492 troops were forced to surrender, finally over.

因此,民法的法典化规划将是一个旷日持久的过程。Hence, the Codification system is a process which will last for a long time in civil law.

而事与愿违的是,南部地区数十个不同部族之间旷日持久的对立如今再度浮出水面.Instead, age-old rivalries between the south's dozens of different tribes are resurfacing.