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这就是热狗吗?Is this a hotdog?

吃热狗好吗?Hot dog?- Hot dog.

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喔呼!一个热狗!Oooooh! A hot dog!

你喜欢吃热狗吗?。Do you like hotdog?

热狗锅里热了吃。Eat them from the pot.

他告诉记者,“热狗就是热狗。Hot dog is hot dog lah.

因为它们不想成为热狗。They dont want to be hot-dog.

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不,大明,那是一个热狗。No, Darning. That’s a hot dog.

因为它们不想成为热狗。They don't want to be hot-dog.

因为它们不想成为热狗。Thsy don't want to be hot-dog.

现在,我要去吃我的热狗了!Now I'm gonna go have a hotdog!

因为它不想变成热狗。They do not want to be hot-dog.

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因为他们不想成为热狗。They don't want to be hot-dogs.

呃!看呐!一个香熟美味的热狗!EEEW! Look! A gnarly old hot dog!

由于它们不想成为热狗。They don't wish to prove hot-dog.

看一场球赛,你会吃一个热狗。At a ballgame, you have a hot dog.

“和路边卖的热狗用的洋葱一样?”她问道。“Same as a street hot dog?” she asked.

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汤姆站正在门心吃着热狗。Tom is eating a hot dog in the doorway.

因为它们不想成为热狗。Because they don't want to be hot -dogs.

他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。He chomped his way through two hot dogs.