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突然,火车庞然大物般地驶进了火车站。Suddenly a train hulked up into the station.

但是,这样一个庞然大物的出现通常是一种错觉。But the existence of such a beast is often an illusion.

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对蚂蚁们来说,幼小的大象是种植园里的庞然大物.To the ants, the infant elephant is a giant in the plantation.

我认为克洛维人会是如仔细关于庞然大物。I think Clovis people would have been as careful about mammoths.

但是我们现在讨论的王室官僚体系,却是一个庞然大物But these are royal bureaucracies that expand dramatically in size.

您也许知道,在澳大利亚红色中部那红色的庞然大物。You probably know about the red monolith in Australia's Red Centre.

很多总统和总理莅临杜布纳,参观这个庞然大物。Many presidents and prime ministers came to Dubna to see this miracle.

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一个庞然大物布满白色斑点的尾巴晃过,随即消失在滚滚的沙尘之中。A large sweep's white-tipped tail showed, then vanished in the sand stir.

现在中国已是庞然大物,如果中国遇到麻烦,所有人都会跟着倒霉。China is a behemoth now. If it gets in trouble, everyone gets in trouble.

在超级歼星舰等更大的军舰面前,甚至这些庞然大物都相形见拙。Larger vessels, such as the Super Star Destroyer, dwarf even these giants.

幸运的是,我只是每个月见她一次,免得自己变成一个庞然大物。Fortunately I only pay her a visit about once a month, lest I be a whopper.

就算劳合社处理掉一些业务之后,公司仍将是零售市场的庞然大物。Even after Lloyds’ disposals it will remain a behemoth in the retail market.

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这里,镜头对准了这个50英寸高的庞然大物,看上去就像是坚固的大山。The camera here centers on the 50 ft. behemoth, built like a stout mountain.

虽然看起来那个国家像个庞然大物,但实际上是一只纸老虎。Although it looks like a huge monster, that country is in fact a paper tiger.

他是一个庞然大物没有比较,甚至后来像科学方面的天才字母a。He is a monolith without comparison and even later scientific geniuses like A.

小红石向深海里游去,发现前面有个庞然大物---鲨鱼。Small Redstone to swim to go deep inside and found --- in front of a giant shark.

此外,它也正在为那些庞然大物开发本土的硅芯片。In addition, it is also developing home-grown silicon chips to power the behemoths.

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这些温和的海底庞然大物四至六月间以鲜艳的珊瑚礁为食。These gentle sea monster between June 4, with bright-coloured coral reefs for food.

随着华尔街发展成庞然大物,投行的薪资体系也随之膨胀。As Wall Street grew into a colossus, so did the investment bank compensation system.

塔斯马尼亚博物馆的动物学家吉奈佛.沃克史密丝说︰「牠简直是庞然大物。」It is a whopper, ' said Genefor Walker-Smith, a zoologist from the Tasmanian Museum.