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惊涛骇浪朝着船头冲打过来。Heavy seas broke over the bows.

海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。Seagulls hover over the surging waves.

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一条惊涛骇浪的河在牧牛工前面出现。One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.

海员们开始准备应付一个惊涛骇浪之夜。The sailors began to prepare against a rough night.

那条船在海上的惊涛骇浪中颠簸。The ship was tossed by the ocean billows in the storm.

姑且把自己算作一俗人吧,一介蝼蚁,能掀起多大的惊涛骇浪?Let be a layman, a worm, can lift more tempestuous waves?

生活就像大海不总是风平浪静也有惊涛骇浪时。Life just like an ocean, not always calm maybe paradises sometimes.

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很明显,这座桥将出现在下一部关于惊涛骇浪的电影中间。This is obviously going to be at the center of the next big wave movie.

他们是以穿越世界各地的惊涛骇浪的长途旅行而闻名的。They are famed for their epic voyages across the world's roughest oceans.

船显然在行进,在惊涛骇浪间猛烈地颠簸。This ship is clearly in motion, violently rocking against the waves of the sea.

不经历分崩离析的痛苦,谁会在意惊涛骇浪的清宁?Do not experience the pain of fall, who will care tempestuous waves of Qingning?

在惊涛骇浪的大海上,一只没有压舱物的小船就是这样颠颠簸簸。So are the motions of a little vessel without ballast tossed about on a stormy sea.

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显然,文章在业内的电邮名单中掀起了惊涛骇浪。Apparently, the article has inspired heated back-and-forths on industry e-mail lists.

当保罗在竞选中首次提起这个话题时,他完全没意识到自己在掀起一场惊涛骇浪。When Paul first raised the issue in his campaign, he had no idea what he was tapping into.

让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty.

在今日纷争的世局及惊涛骇浪中,我们极需要有一颗纯朴的心及缔造和平的人。In this world of constant strives we sorely need people with a pure heart who are peace-makers.

外教英语口语培训你如何驾驭这股改变之风将意味着顺风顺水或是惊涛骇浪。How you pilot the winds of change can mean the difference between smooth sailing and rough waters.

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如果你能避开大洗盘的惊涛骇浪,就能把庞大的利润抱回家。And, if you can avoid the considerable hazard of the big wipeout , you will take home the big profits.

大海能通过贝壳展现出最纯朴的美,也能够用惊涛骇浪带来最严酷的危害。It can bring the simplest beauty in the gift of a shell or the harshest danger from the pull of a rip tide.

从那里出发,在经历了两天两夜的惊涛骇浪和昏天黑地的晕船后,终于,我站在了南极大陆上。From there on, enduring two days of stormy and seasick voyage, finally I stepped onto the land of Antarctica.