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机器运转良好。The machine works well.

那么,谁造了那些机器?So who made the machines?

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这台机器不灵了。The machine doesn't work.

它充当了时间机器。It acts as a time machine.

机器运转平稳。The machine runs smoothly.

赛昂人是人还是机器?Are Cylons men or machines?

那部机器从油菜籽榨出油。The seed of the rape plant.

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这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。This machine goes by steam.

这架机器开不动了。This machine will not work.

我的机器正在开倒车。My engines are going astern.

他在机器上打好合格两字。He put his OK on the machine.

机器又坏了。The machine broke down again.

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那机器不能运行了。The machine doesn't function.

这台机器是金属制造的。The machine is made of metal.

这台机器现在正在录制中。The machine is recording now.

这是一种十分简单的机器。This is a fool-proof machine.

这台机器用来作什么?What is the machine used for?

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他按下按钮开动了机器。And click on the order button.

就这样,我租了一辆粉红色的机器脚踏车。And so the pink moped is mine.

将一个塑料卷盘安装在机器上。Fix a plastic reel on machine.