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他埋头工作。??。He drowned himself in work.

现在,让我们埋头工作吧!Now, let's get down to work.

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哈利埋头工作。Harry drowned himself in work.

埋头工作是成年人的事情。Working hard is for grown-ups.

在…上或…内造埋头孔。To make a countersink on or in.

然而,第二天我又开始埋头工作。But the next day, I was at work.

简总是埋头工作。Jean always buried himself in his work.

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她正在埋头赶写她的下一部著作。She is plugging along on her next book.

她正在埋头查阅记录。She is grubbing about among the records.

她在制鞋厂埋头工作了一整天。At the shoe factory she put in a long day.

她今天上午一直埋头读书。She immured herself in books this morning.

他哼了一声,又埋头读他的书去了。With a groan he plunged back into his book.

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肯尼科特埋头看他的侦探小说。Kennicott was closeted in his detective story.

而埋头工作只会推迟这一天的来临。Working too hard will just delay that process.

老人一屁股倒下,埋头便睡。The old man plumped himself down and fell asleep.

我认为一个人只是一个劲地埋头工作是没有什么好处的。I don't think one does any good if one works through.

他的反应是抽身而退,埋头于工作。His reaction was to withdraw, to bury himself in work.

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悲欣交集,回到座位,周围的同学们正在埋头研阅经论。I went back to my seat with both sorrow and happiness.

来不及收拾自己的情绪,继续埋头工作。No time to manage own mood, I have to continue working.

我们把自行车靠在圆桌上,开始埋头吃饭。We laid down our bikes along the round tables and dug in.