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一往情深竟然忘了亲吻。Ecstasies in which they forget to kiss.

回首是你一往情深。My recalling is filled with your deep love.

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大家都看到她一往情深地恋着你。Everybody saw her fling herself at your head.

他坦承,对中国一往情深。China was, he confessed, an addiction with him.

她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。She could hate as passionately as she could love.

但是为何对久却是这样一往情深呢?But why it is so devotedly attached to it a long time?

当他正在这么一往情深的时候,听到了他老婆的话语声。When in the flush of such feelings he heard his wife's voice.

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一见钟情的永远是男人,一往情深的永远是女人。Love is always a man, the woman is always passionately devoted.

此外还要给对方满杯,然后重新一往情深的紧盯他/她。Then fill up their glass, and look deeply into their eyes. Again.

巧善多谢金香让爱,无奈肃恭只对金香一往情深。Good thank you for the incense make love, but only the on the incense.

明知道伤心总是难免,为何我还要一往情深。Since heartbreaking is inevitable, why should I be head over heels in love?

虽然我不清楚爸爸是怎么爱上妈妈的,但是我知道他对她一往情深。I'm not clear how Dad fell in love with Mom, but I know he loves her deeply.

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他可不像莎士比亚那样对戏剧一往情深,相反,他生性好动。Samuel didn’t go in for theatre like Shakespeare, he instead had itchy feet.

有人把一个不相干的外省人介绍给他,他竟一往情深地拥抱他。He tenderly embraced some man or other from the provinces, who was presented to him.

南希这个人很容易动感情,一碰到对她发生兴趣的男人,就对他一往情深。Wearing her heart on her sleeve, Nancy gushed over any man who took an interest in her.

内德居里被他情人的决心和一往情深所困惑,也深深地被感动了。Ned currie was puzzled by the determination and abandon of his sweetheart and was also deeply touched.

他和一个非常矜持的女孩子约会,虽然这个女孩子对他一往情深,但是菲利浦却无法抗拒内心真实的欲望——对他最好的朋友的爱。He meets a shy girl who falls hard for him, but Philipp cannot deny his passionate desire or a young man he befriends.

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对“新史”教育一往情深的他,再次把史学作为著述讲学的重心。Liang Chi-chao passionately devoted to new history education regarded historiography as his core content of works and lectures again.

我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world.

雄龙则守望着三亚地区的一方水土、大海上一艘艘来来往往的船只、以及这一往情深的大海。The male dragon keeps watch at the land and waters surrounding Sanya, including each coming and going ship or boat on the sea with great affection.