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井架的风载能力?Wind load capacity?

我们就在那块地面上竖起一个井架。We put up at the surface an oil derrick.

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高耸的井架点缀着油田的景色。Lofty derricks dot the landscape in an oil field.

井架工逃命绳要做功能试验。The derrick escape line has to be function-tested.

不允许从钻台上或井架上,往下乱扔东西。Do not throw objects off the floor, mast or derrick.

减少了石油井架的搬运次数。It reduces the number of times oil rigs need to be moved.

井上可竖起高达180英尺的井架。Derricks would rise as much as 180 feet above the borehole.

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在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架。Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain.

井架必须很高,因为它像一个巨型滑轮组。It has to be tall because it is like a giant block and tackle

竖起的油井架向欢呼的人群中喷洒着银色的纸屑。An oil derrick showered silver confetti on the whooping crowd.

上井架工作必须系好安全带。The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick.

井架起来之后,把绞车前边的护罩装上。Install the front drawworks guard cover after the mast is raised.

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某煤矿主井井架由于提升能力的增加,引起井架构件受力增大,导致安全性能降低。The security of one main well headframe will be reduced due to more load.

不许在井架上排放用不着的钻杆和钻铤。Do not leave pipe or collars that are not in use standing in mast or derrick.

有时候会把钳尾绳装在井架大腿上,这种方法不可取。Sometimes the tongs are snubbed to the derrick leg. This method should not be used.

峡谷两侧,一路过去,到处屹立着矿井井架。Here and there at long distances upon the canon sides rose the headframes of a mine.

不能让大钳平衡铊靠到钻台下边或井架底座上不起作用。The tong counter-weights must not rest on derrick sub-floor, derrick substructure sills.

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如果你杀井架你将能够呼吁坦诚从那时起,以降低您的希望的水平。If you kill Derrick you will be able to call Frank from then on to lower your wanted level.

井架用来吊升分节油管,把油管放入有钻头打出的孔中。It is used to lift the sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill.

井架工站在二层台上排立正从井中起出的油管或抽油杆。The derrickman stands on the board to rack tubing or sucker rods being pulled from the well.