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不疯魔,不成活。Is not madness, not survival.

全部成活,其中倒塌。All of them survived the collapse.

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两种玫瑰都容易插枝成活。Both are easy roses to grow from cutting.

两种玫瑰都容易扦插成活。Both are easy roses to grow from cuttings.

他们种了几棵树,但没几棵成活的。They planted a few trees,but few of them are alive.

结果术后8例颏下岛状瓣成活。Results The submental island flap survived in 8 cases.

他们发明了一个使嫁接成活的新方法。They invented a new method for making the grafts take.

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结果23例断掌再植后全部成活。Results The reconstructed fingers survived in all the 23 cases.

不幸地是,他妻子刚生下了一个不能成活的胎儿。Unfortunately, his wife had just given birth to a nonviable fetus.

扦插成活苗在泥炭土中之初期生长最好。Peat alone supported the best early growth for rooted microcuttings.

结果20例重建尿道成活,外形接近正常。Results 20 cases operations were successful and had normal-appearing.

放流鱼种生长和成活情况较好。In addition, survival and growth of fish released were quite satisfied.

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培养1周后分别计数和比较各组成活神经球数。The number of neurospheres 1 week after suspension culture was counted.

我们近期的任务是让我们植的树成活百分之九十。Our recent task is to let 90 percent of the trees planted by us to live.

皮瓣成活的机理可能与两侧肩胛区水平支间的吻合支有关。The flap axis is the horizontal branch of the circumflex scapular vessel.

多利是277组卵母细胞和乳腺细胞的配对中唯一克隆成活的。Dolly was the only lamb born from 277 fusions of oocytes with udder cells.

带真皮下血管网对皮片成活可能起重要作用。The subdermal vascular network is very important for the skin graft survival.

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借助打包包扎法保证扩张皮瓣成活。The tie over dressing was employed to ensure the expanded skin flap survival.

试验观察热冲击、不同盐度对太湖新银鱼仔鱼成活情况的影响。The influence of heat shock and different salinity on the fry fish was observed.

但那葡萄藤成活,而且比那些早年份的葡萄比他想象中的还要好。But the vines survived and those early vintages were better than he had hoped for.