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无人看守的桌面。Unattended desktop.

亚伯是看守羊的人。Abel was a keeper of sheep.

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艾利乌对那个死掉的看守说。Arius said to the dead guard.

牧羊人是看守羊的人。A shepherd is a tender of sheep.

一个看守出现在牢门口。A warder appeared at the cell door.

他从看守的房间里的地道逃了出去…He tunneled out of my guard's room.

他由一个民兵看守着。Hew as watched over by a militiaman.

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一千名看守,看守一名囚犯。One thousand guards and one prisoner.

这所房子由一条猛犬看守。The house is guarded by a fierce dog.

我部分白昼黑夜看守房子。I watch the house by day and by night.

它们看守巫师监狱——阿兹卡班。They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban.

这栋房子由一条恶犬看守。The house is guarded by a ferocious dog.

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那囚犯从看守者手中逃脱了。The prisoner broke away from the guards.

公主躲过了看守她的随从逃了出去。Cluding her keeners the princess escaped.

看守把他的那串沉甸甸的钥匙弄得丁当响。The guard clanked his heavy ring of keys.

长得太漂亮当不了工程师或监狱看守?Too hot to be an engineer or prison guard?

他猛击了一名看守,然后成功地逃跑了。He effected his escape by slogging a guard.

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可是丹伯多让我留下来做了看守员。But Dumbledore let me stay on as gamekeeper.

看守扔一方当事人在县监狱。The warden threw a party in the county jail.

这个是动物园看守员.他喂动物。This is the zoo-keeper.He feeds the animals.