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其实这是多选题…This is mulity-selection Topic.

本文选题为“洋铁酸模质量标准及应用研究”。The research is Quality and application study of Rumex patientia L.

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研究你的选题,尽可能多的收集背景资料。Research your topic and learn as much background information as you can.

第二节是黄景仁诗歌的研究综述和本文选题的意义。The study materials are mass, then this paper arranges and analyses them.

选题风险与出版社的效益密切相关。The risk of topic-section is closely related to the efficiency of presses.

其他五个州设置了多选题的笔试,但并不非常困难。Five others have multiple-choice written exams, but they are not very hard.

对于外行来说,中式风格是个很不错的选题。To dilettante for, chinese style style is a very good selection of subject.

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列一个提问清单,写出所有基于选题你想问的内容。Make a list of questions you want to ask based on the topics you want to cover.

的一道多选题是关于能够得到免费医疗的人群的选择。Which two groups of patients receive free medicine?A. People over 17 years old.

在当时的学术背景下,这一选题无疑是明智而有远见的。Under the academic background at that time, this subject was wise and farsighted.

最近这个选题,我觉得还有一个亚文本,内容就是脱衣舞娘的魅力有多强大。What I see as a sub-context in the latest project is how much power the stripper has.

所以本次毕业设计的选题就是一个电子商务系统的开发。So this time our graduate chosen is the exploitation of an electronic-commerce system.

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每组由各班三名同学进行轮流选题,对所选择的图片或单词进行拼读。Three of them worked in a group and spelled the selected pictures or words one by one.

论文以此为选题,开展了盾构机位姿控制模型的研究。Topic of this paper is to carry out a research on model and control of shield behavior.

其中,选题策划是出版业核心竞争力提升的关键。Among them topic-design is the key to promote core competition of publishing industries.

因此城网改造中有许多问题值得探讨,这正是论文的选题背景。Many problem in rebuild of urban power grid is important, it is background of the thesis.

引言部分,提出论文选题的缘起与论题大旨。In introduction, the author puts forward the reason of the topic and the topical contents.

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本论文选题来源于“基于电子海图的航路编辑器系统”。The thesis stems from the subject of "Navigation Line Editor System of Navy based on ENC".

每轮比赛由三名同学组成的班级战队进行轮流选题,对所选择的图片或单词进行拼读。Three of them worked in a group and sounded out the selected pictures or words one by one.

所有的参赛组在回答第一回合的10个多选题中都表现良好,例如“什么是黄酮醇。”All teams do well answering part one’s 10 multiple choice questions, like “What are flavonols?”