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命中注定的哪个人,总会为你排山倒海破空而来。Destined to which people, always for you to ride unchecked.

不过通常在酋长们排山倒海的齐声反对声浪中全盘失败。But all failed, often amid overwhelming opposition from chiefs.

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我没法看见陆地,我的四周只有排山倒海的浪涛。I could not see the land, only mountains of water all around me.

海克˙克说,她在公开计画后,即饱受同性恋游说团体排山倒海而来的批评。Heike Kuck said that she had been inundated with criticism by the gay lobby after making public her plan.

一年一年地过,沉寂便在这个夏天排山倒海而来,让我远远近近的忧伤,都一一地跳跃出来。From year to year before, silence will be intensively this summer, let me sorrow far and near, all 11 to jump out.

他想象死去的利西达斯,在排山倒海的浪潮覆盖下拜访尽是妖怪的海底。He conjures the indecorous image of the dead Lycidas under the whelming tide visiting the bottom of the monstrous sea.

他想象死去的利西达斯,在排山倒海的浪潮覆盖下拜访尽是妖怪的海底。He conjures the indecorous image of the dead Lycidas under the whelming tide visiting the bottom of the monstrous sea.

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但是,只有当你肯定这种吸引力,这种欲罢不能,这种排山倒海式的热爱是真实的,那有什么理由不继续下去呢?But only if you know for sure that that magnetic, uncontainable, pandemonium was real love, is there a reason to keep going.

虽然没有惊涛骇浪,但有一种排山倒海的气势在起伏,有一种雷霆万钧的力量在激荡。Although no stormy seas, but there is a mounting momentum in the ups and downs, there is a strength in one another, who have.

地球裂开了一个巨大的口子,表面喷出岩浆,天空降下了火雨,铺天盖地的洪水又以排山倒海之势席卷而来。The earth cracked a huge hole in the surface emitting lava, the sky rain down fire, flood Youyi overwhelming avalanche swept.

总之,他说明天他要带我去体育馆,我先回屋练练仰卧起坐的。排山倒海的男性吸引。Anyway, he said he was gonna take me to the gym tomorrow, so I'm gonna go practice my situps. Whoa. Humongous man crush, dude.

于是,虽然一个智牙的毛病,我却感觉整排牙在松动,那痛排山倒海地向我袭来。Thus, although an intellectual teeth problems, but I feel a whole row of teeth in the loose, and that an avalanche of pain hit me.

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在新浪潮排山倒海的轰隆声中,一座现代化的生态工业新城,必将诞生在充满活力的黄海之滨!Echoing the thunders of new waves, a modern ecological industrial town, is bound to emerge in the dynamic seashore of the Yellow Sea.

开始做事的秘诀就是要先把复杂的排山倒海的事分做能做到的一件件小事,然后着手去做第一件。The secret of getting star ted is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.

当他举起手杖,走过我们的队伍,挨个儿揍他的儿子时,惭愧、痛苦、恐惧在我的身体里排山倒海。Shame, anguish, and terror surged throughout my body as he raised his cane and began to walk the human line, beating each of his sons in turn.

使人感到排山倒海,势不可挡,这种情景成为一种速度、力量与气势的交织融合。The scenery makes people feel that the overwhelming and sweeping momentum is so irresistible. The sight is interweaved with speed, strength, and momentum.

不尬力气,只尬反应与技巧,别被排山倒海的无聊击垮,让猜拳战队应援你的脑细胞,提振你的战斗力吧!Not rely on your power but rely on your reaction and skill. Don't be defeated by your tedious mind. The Rangers are coming to support you and cheer you up!

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为奥巴马胜利而感到的激动如排山倒海,特别是在经过了一个把同性恋当作公众头号敌人的保守派总统当政的八年后。Enthusiasm for Barack Obama’s victory was overwhelming, especially after eight years of a conservative president who, at times, made gays Public Enemy No. 1.

翻开她的画册你会当即感到一种奇妙的力量排山倒海地袭来,这种无可匹敌的艺术感染力会将你领入一个神奇的世界。The moment you open her album of paintings, you will be infected by the art, immediately feeling unable to resist the force which is sending you to a magic land.

刚才我们驻莫斯科的记者宁科也给我们介绍了一下他在阅兵式现场的一些观感,那种排山倒海的气势。We have just journalists in Moscow also gave us the Official Selection of the site about some of his perception of the parade, the kind of overwhelming momentum.