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你给你的儿子起名了吗?Did you name your son?

因此给他起名叫法勒斯。And he was named Perez.

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我们给他起名菲利普。We will call him Felipe.

这个在去年夏天又重新起名了。This was named over the past summer.

若描叙物体的话还是起名为佳。For describing them, names are better.

他把他的池塘起名为放生池。He called his pond the Free Life Pond.

他把他的池塘起名为放生池。He titled his pond the Free Life Pond.

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他们的爱情结晶降生了,他们给她起名迪尔德丽。A baby was born, and they named her Deirdre.

公司创办人给公司起名为CAP。The incorporators named the corporation CAP.

他们给他起名里查德,但我们叫他迪克。They named him Richard, but we call him Dick.

一位朋友给他的建筑设计公司起名AMDG。A friend named his architectural firm A. M. D. G.

他们给玩具熊起名为罗斯福泰迪。They named them after Roosevelt's nickname Teddy.

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然而,他们却都给自己的孩子起名叫做康桥。However both of them named their children Cambridge.

所以,他起名为若男,意思是“像个男孩”。So he called her Ruonan, a homonym for “like a boy”.

我会感到很伤心的,如果他们最后给它起名的话。I am going to be sad when they finally get a name for it.

这是起名于一个很有名的18世纪数学家柏努利的法则。It's. named after the famous 18th-century mathemati. ci. an.

贝里尔说给一个男孩起名希特勒被认为是虐待儿童。Berrill said naming a boy Hitlercould be considered child abuse.

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在23周时,这名被起名为伊莫金恩的宝宝,不再能挂在子宫里。At 23 weeks the baby, called Imogen Grace, could hang on no longer.

至于起名,选一个和尚来编派故事的目的,无非是想借一下佛的光吧!As a monk, called the story, but censure is to borrow Buddha's light!

只要别让孩子们给它起名,准能奏效。If only I can keep the kids from naming him. That would be the trick.