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这一个在到任之初,还象个善良的宗徒。This man played the good priest when he first came.

渴望,很多的,加饰边于的直线可能落到任一边。Long, profuse, straight fringing may fall to either side.

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新州长将于下星期二到任就职。The new governor's assumption of office will take place next Tuesday.

这是我到任半年以来第二次出席中资机构的乔迁仪式。This is the second such event I attended during my six months in London.

另外,这些资源不能分区或绑定到任一解决方案。In addition, these resources cannot be partitioned or bound to any one solution.

而同时任何一个弱到任你们宰割的人身上大概没有任何值得抢的财产。And anyone weak enough to fall prey probably doesn't have any stuff worth stealing.

拖到任一时间线上,以用红色分隔线和标注标记当前日期。Drag onto any timeline to mark the current date with a red division line and callout.

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郝兰军见到任玥,任玥没有承认自己的身份,只说自己是她的好友。See Ren Yue Hao Lanjun, Ren Yue didnt admit his identity, says he is her only friend.

桑德伯格到任时还在流失现金的公司到2010年已经开始盈利。By 2010, a company that was bleeding cash when Sandberg arrived had become profitable.

我不记得我实际到任日,你可帮我查查看我的档案吗?I don't remember my exact date of hire. Would you check my personal file to see when I started?

在普通视图中,当调整大小绿色控点显示时,将I型光标到任一控点上。In Normal view, when the green resizing handles are displayed, move the I-beam over any handle.

在讨论的产品可以支持您到任一这些过程和建模工作的末尾。The products under discussion can support you at either end of these process and modeling continuums.

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“自从新警察局长到任后,这一年里拉什卡尔加的安全做得很好,”巴里说。"Security has been good in Lashkar Gah for one year since the arrival of the new police chief," Bari said.

你看,我是记者,我接到任务去研究人们对窘况的反应。You see, I'm a journalist and I've got an assignment to study how people respond to embarrassing situations.

当然,解狐到任后,治理有方,他的同僚和当地百姓都尊敬他。And sure enough, Xie Hu administered the county very well and won respect from local people and his colleagues.

如果问题改为,在2012年迪米特里·梅德韦杰夫到任时谁会竞选总统,就更有意思了。The more so if the issue is which should run for president in 2012, when Dmitry Medvedev’s current term expires.

自从骆家辉到任中国以来的三个月里,他在民众当中的知名度让他和前任大使有着明显不同。Three months into Mr. Locke’s tenure in China, his popularity among the masses separates him from his predecessors.

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在我到任前,摩托罗拉追逐的是市场份额、规模以及众多并不清晰的目标。Before my arriving here, we were chasing market share, scale, and a number of different objectives that weren't clear.

微软还在领导一场推动在线图书版式标准化的运动,以使这些书可以被下载到任柯计算机上。Microsoft is also leading a push to standardise formats for online books to allow them to be downloaded to any computer.

原来常绿是新到任的刽子手,守成上前与常绿相认,二人原是儿时邻居。The evergreen is the new arrival of the executioner, hold to evergreen, and Joseph two of them were childhood neighbors.