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那里面是一个巨大的土块。Inside is this giant dirt clod.

土块“粘”在铁铲上。Clods of soil stuck to the spade.

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从土块里还伸出来一只鞋。Sticking out of the clod is a shoe.

土块,泥块一块或一团,尤指土或泥块。A lump or chunk , especially of earth or clay.

此外,在那里可以把土块和石头?Besides, where can you put the clods and rock?

一些人说它是一件非常容易的事物在一个土块早晨起床。Some people say it is a very easy thing to get up on a clod morning.

不可冲蚀的土块因跳跃颗粒的撞击也会破碎。Nonerodible clods are also broken down by impacts of saltating grains.

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硬邦邦的土块变散了,太阳温和的轻轻拍打着土壤。The hard clod of soil dissolved, and the sun patted the soil tenderly.

土质。土块密度的测定。石蜡涂层法。Soil quality. Determination of density of clods. Paraffin coating method.

有些人用犁过的地里的土块搭小屋,或者用麦秸编东西。Some built little houses of clods of the ploughed field, or plaited straws of stubble.

土块飞溅出来,竹节虫一动不动的躺在小坑里,小坑里还冒着气!Soil splash out, stick insect motionless in the small hole, the small hole is steaming!

我们的骨头、散在墓旁、好像人耕田、刨地的土块。Our bones are broken up at the mouth of the underworld , as the earth is broken by the plough.

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有一次,他和随从向一个农夫乞讨,农夫只给他们一个土块。Once he and his followers begged their bread from a farmer, who only gave them a piece of earth.

现在地里只露出了那个赛马骑手的脑袋,和埋在土块里那家伙的一只脚。So far, it’s just the top of the jockey’s head sticking out, and part of the enclodded guy’s foot.

如果他们碰到一个土块,我不懂生物,如果我说错了就告诉我啊。If they come to a clump, I know nothing about biology, so if I misrepresent something, let me know.

我们的骨头散在墓旁,好像人耕田,刨地的土块。Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.

每一年,海岸上都有大的土块掉落到海里,而气象站就是这样危险地坐落在海岸上。Every year large chunks of the coast on which the station is precariously perched fall into the sea.

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春雨再次光临,流进土地里,把硬邦邦的土块打湿,使土壤变得松软。Spring rain came again, and it made the hard clod of soil moist and soft after it flowed into the ground.

这种设备可以直接把他们引向一片满是土块和拖拉机痕迹的田地。The device led them straight to a field littered with clods of earth and shot through with tractor marks.

那里面是另一个家伙,他倒没有埋在土块里,而是蜷缩着,裤子都扯成了条,整个人就像刚刚蘸过一层芥末。There’s another guy, not enclodded, cringed up, in shredded pants, looking like he’s been dipped in mustard.