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我们百废待兴,这是一个新的时代。This is a new era and we all start from scratch.

1981年处于改革开放初期,百废待兴,百业待举。In 1981, reform and opening up, torn, and every trade has to be done.

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他悟出,人们需要工程师来重建百废待兴的祖国。Engineers would be needed to rebuild his devastated country, he concluded.

安哥拉正在进行战后重建工作,百废待兴。Angola is under its post-war reconstruction with everything waiting to be taken up.

1949年革命取得胜利,但是,当时摆在我们面前的是一个百废待兴的烂摊子。After the victory in 1949, we faced a situation that full- scale construction was under way.

基础设施、政治体制及社会服务百废待兴,往往都是从零开始。Infrastructure, political institutions and social services had to be rebuilt, oftenfrom scratch.

霍尔布鲁克说,经过了30年的战乱,阿富汗百废待兴,美国致力于这个国家的重建。The country has been battered by 30 years of war, and the United States is committed to rebuilding it, Holbrooke said.

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同时孤立主义外交政策也解决了美国建国初期财力拮据、贸易困难、百废待兴、国力孱弱的经济难题。This policy also solved such problems as financial deficiency, trades and frail national strength when the United States was founded.

工党谢幕,百废待兴,此时此刻,如果奥斯本先生之力能助英国自立于世、人民戒除救济之瘾,昨日之痛,将非徒然。If out of the ashes of Labour, Mr Osborne creates a self-reliant nation freed from benefit addiction, yesterday's pain will not be in vain.

当时,新中国刚刚成立,百业凋零,百废待兴,国民经济基础相当薄弱。At that time, the People's Republic had just been founded, and the national economic base was weak, with a general pattern of underdevelopment in all sectors.

中王国时期,国家重新统一,百废待兴,政府亟待大批书吏来完成繁忙的政务。In the period of the Middle Kingdom, the country reunited, full-scale construction was under way, the government need numbers of scribes fulfill the busy affairs.

但是,因抗美援朝战争的爆发,国家百废待兴,西部中心城市只能满足于恢复,还谈不上真正的现代化建设。The national industry item and other small industry item indicated that the West center—city was changing from traditional consuming city to modern industry city.

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丰富的设计绘画技巧和多种社会节奏结合,另类的视觉冲击提升艺术市场的朝气。百废待兴?。Abundant design painting technique and various social rhythms combine, the alternative sense of vision impact promotes the vigor of art market. 100 discard to need an interest?

几内亚百废待兴,在自力更生基础上,期待与中国开展全方位互利合作。Fofana said many things are waiting to be done in his country and Guinea expects to carry out all-around and mutually beneficial cooperation with China on the basis of self-reliance.

新中国成立之初,一大批年轻人在党的召唤下到苏联学习,用所学知识投入百废待兴的祖国建设。Founding of New China, a large number of young people in the party's call to the Soviet Union under study, with the knowledge into the task of rebuilding the construction of the motherland.

塔独立20年来,国家经历了长期的内战和动荡,经济衰退严重,城市建设百废待兴,近年来塔经济开始好转。Tower independence 20 years, the state experienced a long civil war and unrest, severe economic recession, urban construction undone in recent years, the economy started to improve the tower.