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属蒙古人种美洲支系。Mongolian race of American branch.

严格意义上的日本人属于蒙古人种。The Japanese proper are of the Mongolian race.

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你相信大部分中国人都是蒙古人种吗?Do you believe that most Chinese born asMongoloids?

据鉴定,这些遗骨多数属于蒙古人种。It identified the remains of most of these are Mongolian.

我是中国人,属于很典型的蒙古人种。我的头发是黑色的,我的眼睛是也是黑色的。I am Chinese, belong to very typical the Mongolian race. My hair is black, my eyes are black too.

各民族的掌纹各具特点而又显示出蒙古人种的一般特征。The palmar print of each nationality shows both its own feature and the general character of the Mongoloid.

外来者是指那些来自平原的非蒙古人种,甚至其他部落和其他邦的人也会受到种族主义漫骂。I mean people from plains who doesnt look mongoloids, even from other tribes and states were racially abused.

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中国和日本都是蒙古人种,在现代社会之前,中日都有儒家文化。Both Chinese and Japanese are Mongoloid. Moreover in pre-modern times China and Japan shared Confucian culture.

古代夏朝人被认为可能是非蒙古人种,他们来自于西方的伊朗,可能是皮肤较黑.The ancient Xia are believed to be a non-Mongoloid western people from Iran, speculated to be the black Chinese.

当然,不论高加索人种,还是蒙古人种,内部又存在许多差异的支系。Of course, whether we are talking about Caucasoids or Mongoloids , there were many different branches among them.

蒙古人接着横扫波兰和匈牙利,匈牙利民族是不受成吉思汗继承者控制的惟一的蒙古人种。The Mongols then swept into Poland, and Hungary, whose people were the only ones of Mongol race still outside the control of Genghiz Khan's successors.

内眦赘皮与种族差异有着密切的联系,最常见于中亚、北亚、东亚等地区的蒙古人种中,故又称“蒙古皱襞”。It has close relationship with racial difference. It exists in Mongolian inCentral Asia, North Asia and East Asia mostly, so it is also called "mongoloid fold".

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研究结果表明大同北魏居民属于亚洲蒙古人种,并且与现代东亚蒙古人种在形态特征上最为接近。The research indicates that residents of BeiWei period in Datong, which belong to the Asiatic Mongolias, are rather close to the modern eastern Asiatic Mongolias in physical features.

用15个座位的基因频率计算的遗传距离与聚类表明,瑶族应归入蒙古人种南亚类型。The genetic distances and phylogenic tree obtained on the basis of gene frequencies of 15 loci of 9 ethnic groups show that the Yaozu should be included into the Mongoloids of southern-Asia type.

不少资料说明,在遥远的过去,这里既曾有过高加索人种的活动,也曾是蒙古人种居住、生活的乐园。A great deal of materials indicates that, in the distant past, not only was this a region where Caucasoid peoples moved about, it was also a paradise where Mongoloid peoples dwelled and made a living.

多年来,山顶洞人作为东亚地区更新世晚期人类的代表,在研究东亚地区现代蒙古人种及美洲印第安人起源方面发挥着重要作用。For decades, as the representative of the late Pleistocene human in east Asia, the Upper Cave skulls have played an important role in research on the origins of modern Mongoloids and American Indians.