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个人电脑变成了唤起情欲的地带。The PC becomes an erogenous zone.

呜…但若是没有情欲又何来爱情?Oooh but what is love without lust?

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维多利亚时代的人经常将死亡情欲化。The Victorians often eroticized death.

好消息是你感觉自己十分有情欲。The good news is you’ll feel quite voluptuous.

他的基督教信仰开始渗透出情欲。His Christian belief began to bleed into eroticism.

或许是情欲的颠峰,或许是分手的凄恻。Is perhaps the peak of passion, perhaps the breakup of'.

因为真爱天主的心,能制胜各样的情欲,能增加灵魂的力量。Divine love conquers all and enlarges the powers of the soul.

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祷告乃倒空自我、自我的情欲和愿望。Prayer is an emptying of myself and my own lusts and desires.

先生一旦与女友约会,就想激起她的情欲。Whenever Mr. B dates his girlfriend, he tries to turn her on.

随着他们的情欲不断升级,桌腿离洞口只有1英寸的距离。As their tryst escalates, the table inches closer to the hole.

每套系统在促进情欲中扮演着重要角色。Each system in the promotion of passion play an important role.

在消极方面,它教导我们向不敬虔的事和世俗的情欲说「不」。It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly pleasures.

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圣洁的生活应该埋葬在肉体情欲的坟墓内吗?Should divine life be immured in the charnel house of fleshly lust?

我想象到一些不同寻常的私情和前所未闻的醇酒和情欲。I imagine extraordinary intrigues and unheard of wines and passions.

我可以想像我们暧昧的情欲从冬眠的蛰伏中开始苏醒,希望开始萌动。I could imagine our sex life coming out of hibernation. Hope bloomed.

「我的老我与耶稣同钉十字架」,「肉体的情欲都同钉十架」。He that is Christ's hath crucified the flesh with all the lusts thereof.

结合Basson关于女性情欲的提法,这种怨言相当有道理。Given Basson's view of women's desire, this complaint makes perfect sense.

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他能够挣断敌人绑他的麻绳,但不能挣脱情欲的束缚。He could break the fetters of his foes, but not the cords of his own lust"."

应弟子茶桶空行之提请,我已写了一首关于情欲的诗。As requested by disciple Detong Dakini I had written a poem on sexual desires.

在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.