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我叫李老大,往年25。I call Li old big. toyear25.

往年炎天将有新的型号问世。A new model will come out this summer.

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我们往年必需还清这笔抵押乞贷。We must pay off the mortgages this year.

“难道比往年多吗?”聂赫留朵夫问。"More than in other years?" Nekhludoff asked.

今年的演讲,比往年更为热情。The speech this year is more emotionally-charged.

往年秋日刮了一场又一场微风,很多树被风刮倒了。In the gales this autumn, many trees were blown down.

今年春天北京的天气真好!没有往年的沙尘暴。BJ has a amazing weather! No sand-storm like old times.

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工人们将会在往年年末把这条新的路途修睦。Workers will build the new road at the end of this year.

今年春天的花开得比往年早。Spring flowers have come out earlier than usual this year.

2007年的夏天特别的干,并且比往年风多。Summer 2007 was particularly dry with more wind than usual.

过敏症专家布尔特?沃尔夫说今年的情况比往年更不乐观。Allergist Bruce Wolf says this year has been especially bad.

在往年就诊的病例中,有一半的不孕不育家庭的“罪魁祸首”都是男性。In about half of these cases, male infertility plays a role.

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我还记得往年当我的一个舍友碰到她的罗密欧的情景。Last year, I remember when one of my roommates met her Romeo.

我们往年能到我们最稀且审友家往玩。We are hoping to visit the home of my closest friend this year.

那是往年秋季最热的时髦潮水之一。Betts, 34 years old, of one of this fall's hottest fashion trends.

气象专家预计今冬的气温将低于往年。Climate experts are forecasting a drop in temperatures this winter.

一位旁观者称,据他观察,“今年游行较往年尤具活力。”One onlooker observed, “This year has more energy than other years.

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一位旁观者称,据他观察,“今年游行较往年尤具活力。”One onlooker observed, “This year has more energy than other years.”

妈妈答应我们往年炎天去野营一次。Mother gave us the green light to go on the camping trip this summer.

新开工住房面积始终徘徊在往年正常水平的1/3左右。Housing starts continue to languish at around a third of normal levels.