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所得税回单。Income tax returns.

而且,该市不征收州所得税。There is no state income tax.

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欢迎乐捐﹐捐款可减免所得税!Donations may be tax deductible.

他虚报所得税申报书。He fiddled an income-tax return.

对交所得税的每一个人都有益。It helps everyone who pays income tax.

当年晚些时候,国会通过了征收所得税法。Congress passed such a tax later that year.

我明白了.那么什么时候办所得税申报呢?I see. What`s the time for tax return then?

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联邦所得税仍采取累进计税法。The federal income tax remains progressive.

这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。The senate was censured for income tax evasion.

他在所得税表格上填写了四个受赡养人。He listed four dependents on his income-tax form.

所以我更信奉一个非常“激进”的所得税体系。So I believe in a very progressive tax on income.

在任何情况下所得税都不能豁免。Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.

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公务员们竭力反对提高所得税。Civil servants are up in arms over the income tax hike.

超过半数的成年人口并不缴纳所得税。Half the adult population, moreover, pays no income tax.

此外,我们交纳的所得税和房屋税也高达286,311英镑。We'll also pay out ¡ê286,311 on income and council taxes.

应付未付之营利事业所得税。Income tax payable of the business which has not yet been paid.

税前盈利减去所得税后就是税后净利。After-tax profit margin is the ratio of net income to net sales.

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你知道所得税代扣代缴的义务吗?Do you know the pay as you go withholding reporting obligations?

改变所得税法的消息传来,各种东西突然涨价了。Prices were bumped up at news of changes in the income tax laws.

所得税按收入额成比例增加。The tax increases in proportion to the amount of money you earn.