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没有奖励。No reward.

这是给你的奖励。This is your reward!

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这是一种奖励。Just a little incentive.

你能得到你奖励的东西。You get what you reward.

他盼望着额外的奖励。He was expecting a bonus.

它得到一滴果汁作为奖励。And he gets a drop of juice.

只有04F可以领取奖励。Rewards only available for 04F.

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为出门而奖励自己。Reward yourself for getting out.

另一组就不给奖励。The other half you don't reward.

他们为吸烟者建立了奖励制度。They set up rewards for smokers.

奖励品可以是你喜欢的任何东西。Rewards can be anything you like.

击球入洞的会有奖励。The hole in one came with a prize.

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我们不应当奖励坏的行为。We should not reward bad behavior.

RBC奖励对您的购买点!RBC Rewards points on your purchase!

时间强化则是间隔一定时间才给予奖励。An interval is over a period of time.

作为奖励,你会得到性感的长腿!As a bonus, you'll get long sexy legs!

优先奖励天津供应商的业务量。Prior to award TJ suppliers' business.

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暗影步现在奖励一个连击点数。Shadowstep now awards one combo point.

教师奖励我们一朵大红花。The teach award of us a big red flower.

结果他们在天堂中获得了奖励。As a result they are rewarded in heaven.