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你看起来精力充沛.You look high-spirited.

他的老板是个精力充沛的人。His boss is a ten-minute man.

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他信心十足,精力充沛.He exudes confidence and energy.

他是个精力充沛的网球手。He is an energetic tennis player.

她的确精力充沛。She's certainly brimful of energy.

它可以使人精力充沛,信心倍增。It can make the energy, confidence.

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Our brains are wired to be curious.

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他精力充沛,很有感召力。He has a lot of energy and charisma.

他是个精力充沛的网球手。eg. He is an energetic tennis player.

幼鱼生下来就精力充沛,个体尺寸也比较大。Fry are robust and of a fairly large size.

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Ask Why Our brains are wired to be curious.

我的老爷爷仍然健在且精力充沛。My old grandpa is still around and kicking.

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你是个精力充沛的小杂种,是吧?You're a peppy little spit-fuck, aren't you?

精力充沛的沃尔特斯真是得其所哉。The indefatigable Walters was in his element.

我感到精力充沛,而且非常舒服。I felt invigorated, yet also very comfortable.

这种声音的生动性是与精力充沛程度相关的。This vocal vitality is related to energy level.

勤劳而又精力充沛的香港人。The industrious and energic people of Hong Kong.

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尽管我很累,我的身体仍然精力充沛。Even though I'm tired, my body feels invigorated.

多想事物的益处能让你精力充沛。The benefits of something will help energize you.

一个活跃的、精力充沛的年轻人干起活来虎虎有生气。An active, energetic young man works like a tiger.