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各种原子的原子量是不同的。Atoms differ in their atomic weights.

并非所有的铀原子都有相同的原子量。All uranium atoms do not have the same atomic weight.

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它是最接近原子的原子量的整数。It is the nearest whole number to an atom's ATOMIC WEIGHT.

电子非常轻,因此在原子量中甚至没有计算它。Electrons weigh very little, so they aren't even counted in the atomic weight.

具有不同原子量的同一种元素被称为同位素。Atoms of the same element that differ in their atomic weight are called isotopes.

氢分子仅由两个原子量相同的氢原子组成。A hydrogen molecule consists of only two hydrogen atoms with the same atomic weight.

1863年,纽兰茨所作。他将56种元素按原子量上升次序排列。An arrangement of 56 elements in order of ascending atomic weight made by Newlands in 1863.

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尽管现在它不含锂了,但是作为原子量的七,还是在一定程度上保留了下来。So, even though we don't have the lithium anymore, we still keep that atomic number 7 around.

一种分子的分子量就是构成它的原子成分之原子量总和。The molecular weight of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms.

依据这个新标度,原先的化学原子量数值只需作很小的变动。The new scale required only minimal changes to the values that had been used for chemical atomic weights.

原子序数18,原子量39。948,是一种稀有气体。1894年由英国化学家瑞利和拉姆赛发现。Atomic number 18, atomic weight 39. 948, is a rare gas. 1894 by the British chemist Rayleigh and Ramsay found.

能量释放是在原子核在高温高压环境下聚变成大原子量的原子核时产生的Energy is released as atomic nuclei are forced together at high temperatures and pressures to form larger nuclei

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超微针是各种SPM进行原子量级的测试及加工的测头和基础工具。Microtip is the probe and the elementary tool for SPM to undertake measurement and fabrication on the atomic-scale.

实际计算中是把组成该物质分子式的各原子的原子量求和而得。It is calculated in practice by summing the atomic weights of the atoms making up the substance's molecular formula.

一旦发生纠缠,光子可以将储存在原子量子态中的任何信息传递到计算机的其他位置。Once entangled, a photon can carry any information stored in the atom’s quantum state to other parts of the computer.

比如,“牛顿学说物理学”标注的就是机械力学,这是牛顿从次原子量子物理学中探索出来的。For instance, “Newtonian physics” distinguishes the mechanical physics Newton explored from subatomic quantum physics.

结果表明原子量子化平移运动敏感地依赖于原子的内态布居。It is found that the atomic quantized translational motion sensitively depends on the atomic internal state population.

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同时,对元素原子量标定,乃至阿伏伽德罗常数等基本常数的标定也起了重要作用。In the meanwhile, re-determination has been made on "Avogadro constant" as well as on atomic weights of a number of elements.

本文介绍他在90高龄之际在原子量新值测定方面所取得的杰出成就。This paper introduces his outstanding contributions to the determination on new values of atomic weight when he was 90 years old.

镭,原子序数88,原子量2260254,是一种天然放射性元素,元素名来源于拉丁文,原意是“射线”。Radium, atomic number 88, atomic weight 2260254, is a natural radioelement , elements were derived from Latin, is intended to "ray."