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我们希望天气继续晴好。We hope the weather will hold up.

我希望整个月天气都这样晴好。I hope it stays nice for the whole month.

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天气持续晴好,比赛得以进行。The weather held up and the game was played.

那是一个晴好的天气,很多人都到公园里来了。Luckily, it is a nice day for walking in Shanghai.

晴好的天气,把孩子们都吸引到了公园里。The fine weather allures the children into the park.

它可以在恶劣的天气里挡雨,在晴好的天气里遮阳。It keeps the rain in bad weather and the sun off in good.

今天天气晴好,你最好在户外呆一小时。It's sunny today,and you'd better remain out for an hour.

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毫无疑问,本地区晴好的天气将持续很长一段时间。There is no doubt that there will be a long spell of fine weather in this region.

高压天气系统通常带来晴好的天气,天空相对也更清澈。High-pressure weather systems often bring fair weather and relatively clear skies.

在晴好的一天,中午,我感到迷惘,好像整个世界突如其来压在我的身上。In the middle of a beautiful day I felt lost and the world came crashing in on me.

下列图表现我们展示了在春季至秋季的晴好天气里,我们的热水器的性能。The following tables show what you can expect on a typical sunny day from spring to fall.

我以为这是一个晴好的天气,五月的阳光热情的拥抱着大地。To me, it was supposed a fine day. The sunshine in May warmly embraced the earth in her arms.

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周一天气保持晴好,在CTAM营地度过一周以后,我们出发前往米勒山脉的营地。On Monday the weather held, and after a week in CTAM we headed off for our camp in the Miller Range.

一天上午,天气晴好,他打算到附近的林中打鹿。One fine morning, he set out from his home with the intention of hunting a deer in the nearby forest.

并且经预测,西班牙将会有个晴好的天气,这位德国人说他这一天的卡丁车将会带给他一个不错的状态。And with warm weather predicted in Spain, the German said his day of karting should stand him in good stead.

这天下午天气晴好。借此机会,这位31岁的妈妈将孩子们带到了离家很近的公园。Taking advantage of the bright afternoon, the 31-year-old mom had brought her kids to a park near their home.

天空变幻成滑稽的橙色和粉色,在天气晴好的傍晚,太阳看上去就像个美味的成熟油桃。The sky morphs into comical orange and pink colors and on a clear night, the sun looks like a tasty ripe nectarine.

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国家气象局称,棉花种植中心-德州拉伯克未来一周将迎来炎热晴好天气。The national weather service said, cotton plant Center-Lubbock Texas next week will meet with a hot and sunny weather.

通过在室外晴好天气下搭建平台,模拟出线激光投射大视场物体的情形,并用CMOS相机采集一系列图片。An outdoor platform was built to simulate large-visual-angle laser projection, then images were collected by CMOS camera.

最近几天,天气晴好,人们都从家里出来了,或散步,或跑步,或骑车,抑或在公园里、沙滩上尽享和煦的阳光。We’ve seen the sun the last few days, and everywhere I look people are out walking, running, biking, enjoying a park or a beach.