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阿尔。卡彭是一位臭名远扬的匪徒。Al Capone was a notorious gangster.

中国藻华泛滥早已“臭名远扬”。China is notorious for its algae blooms.

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一张照片、一个脏字,让我足不出户、臭名远扬!!!----李家萍。Bad reputation created by a picture and a dirty word!

时日已久和过期的物品——我爸妈因冰箱里变质的牛奶而“臭名远扬”。Old, expired items — My parents are notorious for sour milk.

那个干瘪难看的小老头是个臭名远扬的吝啬鬼。That wizened and grotesque little old man is a notorious miser.

无论是金斯路上的花花公子,还是那些臭名远扬的足球流氓。From the playboys of the Kings Road to the notorious Headhunters.

饭店酱包——我父母也因此“臭名远扬”。Restaurant sauce packets — My parents again, are notorious for this.

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但臭名远扬的新奇感逐渐消失了,即便是现在。But the novelty of being famous for being bad was wearing off, and even now.

这个旅游景点的一些小商贩以宰客而臭名远扬。Some small traders at this tourist spot are notorious for their overcharging customers.

毫无疑问,NED传授了CIA臭名远扬的“假情报”战术给世维会。The NED has certainly taught the WUC well the CIA's notorious "disinformation" tactics.

1969年,克里夫兰开始臭名远扬,流经该市的凯霍加河表面的工业废料燃起了大火。Cleveland's Cuyahoga River caught on fire because of industrial wastes on the surface of the river.

以肉汤为基础的烫类,它会是一个很好的削弱热量选择,同时使它含高量的盐而臭名远扬。Broth-based soups, which can be a great choice for those cutting calories, are notoriously high in salt.

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满月群岛位于泰国臭名远扬的磐牙岛,在伊比沙岛的夜总会里充斥着可卡因和边缘舞蹈音乐。Full-moon parties on Thailand’s infamous Ko Pha Ngan. Cocaine and cutting-edge dance music in the clubs of Ibiza.

她信奉宗教,深信臭名远扬的花花公子、诸神之王——宙斯曾经诱惑过她。A religious fanatic, she's convinced that Zeus, the king of the gods and a notorious womanizer, actually seduced her.

更为臭名远扬的是,总统邀请拉美裔与他一起投票,以便在投票时“惩罚我们的敌人”。" Most notoriously, Latinos were asked by the president to vote in bloc with him in order to "punish our enemies" at the polls.

以宁要剃头匠不要哈佛科学家而臭名远扬的旧的技术移民打分系统即将被抛弃了。THE points system for skilled migrants that notoriously preferred hairdressers over Harvard scientists is about to be abolished.

正如你刚才指出的,弗洛伊德因一个观点的提出而臭名远扬,他认为,与男性相比,女性在道德上是不成熟的。Freud was--As you're pointing out, Freud was notorious for pointing, for suggesting that women were morally immature relative to men.

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布尔明是个英俊的男人,一度以放荡成性臭名远扬,但现今却文雅有礼。Burmin was a handsome man who had once had a reputation as a notorious rake, but who was now both quiet and modest in his personality.

明天也许又要来了什么小问题了,同样也会代替了美丽的法国姑娘和臭名远扬的阿波乌两案的地位。To-morrow some other little problem may be submitted to my notice which will in turn dispossess the fair French lady and the infamous Upwood.

与威利山疗养院相似,米尔特斯勒大农场也以人们可以常去的最常闹鬼的凶宅之一而臭名远扬全美。Similar to Waverly Hills Sanatoriums, Myrtles Plantation has gained notoriety throughout the USA as being one of the most haunted places that can be visited.