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并且,双方僵持,各不相让。Both sides stalemate, and his lap.

各不相让。Neither is willing to give ground.

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你把自己的幸福拱手相让。You're throwing away happiness with both hands.

我相让我们建立起一种使劳动大众能够获得回报的经济。I want us to build an economy that rewards work.

把我的接力位置拱手相让,就是这样。Handing her my relay position on a silver platter, that's what.

我早已将青春拱手相让,愿陪你到老。I have ceded youth, and is willing to accompany you to the old.

我们一起讨论问题,为一道难题争得面红耳赤,各不相让。We discuss problems, for a problem was flushed and conflicting.

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婚姻是两心相印,相忍相让的结合。——罗曼·罗兰。Marriage is need to print, the combination of phase endure neither.

叶孤城虽稍胜半筹,仍故意相让。Leaf gu city is slightly wins, still intentionally crasher half raise.

为得到这份合同,各不相让的两家公司展开了激烈的竞争。There was intense competition between the rival companies to get the contract.

目前,银行和私人投资者之间对此各不相让。For now, a chess match of sorts is playing out between banks and private investors.

2008年,热刺抢在欧洲杯之前将莫德里奇买了下来,就是为了防止身价暴涨而将其拱手相让给对手。Tottenham Hotspur bought Luka Modric before Euro 2008, to prevent losing him to a rival.

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坦率的讲,昨晚他的恶劣的吃相让我很不高兴,尽管我还算宽容。Frankly speaking, his bad table manners annoyed me last night although I was quite tolerant.

你星盘中的太阳跟冥王星的拱相让你有着高度发展的集中力跟意志力。The Sun in your chart is trine Pluto giving you a highly evolved power of concentration and will.

你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些根本不会。Re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you.

索尼和微软都声称掌握了最好的游戏技术,在战场上各不相让。Games technology, and which company bodes the best, is a key battle ground for both Sony and Microsoft.

两个母亲为了争夺一个孩子而各不相让,最后所罗门王把孩子交给了那位不舍让孩子被宰成两半的母亲。King Solomon decided to give the disputed baby to the mother who refused to let the baby be cut in half.

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你近乎残忍,让我无可自拔,将自由拱手相让。Ask yourself, my love, whether you are not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, so destoryed my freedom.

你把自己的幸福拱手相让,新倩女幽魂往追求一些根本不会让你幸福的东西。You're throwing away happiness with the hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.

历秋辰告诉大家,汪掌柜出了两百大洋资助,要是张老板想办自己可以相让。Through the autumn tell everybody, wang shopkeeper funded out of two hundred ocean, if a boss want to you can.