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纤维软骨梗塞或栓塞。Fibrocartilaginous Infarct or Embolism.

肿块的碎片也可能引发栓塞。Embolization of fragments of tumor may also occur.

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如果是一辆公车,那么这个车是血栓形成的还是栓塞形成的?…And if it is a bus, is that bus thrombotic or embolic?

我想我的子宫颈粘液栓塞脱落了,需要马上给医生打电话吗?I think I lost my mucous plug. Should I call my doctor?

栓塞的长期成功性是不确切的。The long-term success of embolization is unpredictable.

栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus.

静脉血栓栓塞是可以治疗的,但是如果不进行治疗,它可导致死亡。VTE can be treated, but if it is not, it can lead to death.

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使用弹簧圈栓塞材料操作简单,预后好。Treatment with coil is simple and have favourable prognosis.

栓塞剂主要应用无水乙醇、钢圈和明胶海绵。Embolic agents were absolute alcohol, steel ring, or gelfoam.

研究发现,久坐不动的生活方式可导致肺动脉栓塞Sedentary lifestyle can lead to pulmonary embolism, study finds

增加胆囊疾病,血栓栓塞疾病的危险。Increased risk of gallbladder disease, thromboembolic disorders.

在与血栓栓塞结合时,深静脉血栓形成可威胁生命。It can be life-threatening when associated with thromboembolism.

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目的探讨颅内静脉窦栓塞的影像学诊断。Objective To study radiology diagnosis of venous sinus thrombosis.

在较深处的静脉里,这需要抗凝剂来预防栓塞。In deeper veins, this requires anticoagulants to prevent embolisms.

颈内动脉闭塞5例,均为应用弹簧圈栓塞的病例。Of all, internal carotid arteries in 5 cases were occluded by coil.

本组矛盾性栓塞诊断,7例为临床诊断,1例为确诊。Of the 8 cases, 7 were clinically diagnosed, while 1 was confirmed.

假手术组仅结扎颈外动脉,不栓塞大脑中动脉。The external carotid artery was ligated in the sham operation group.

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血管内皮抑制素能中断毛细血管的生长,从而饿死栓塞吗?Could endostatin halt the growth of capillaries and starve the plaque?

术前栓塞为手术切除提供了良好条件。Preoperation embolization may provide advantage condition for surgery.

手术及经导管栓塞皆是治疗此先天性疾病的选择。Both surgery and coil embolism are options for correcting this anomaly.