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这条阴沟堵塞了。The drain is clogged.

池塘像阴沟一样散发着恶臭。The pond stank like a sewer.

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有人经过这阴沟。Some one has passed through the sewer.

你不断的在躲藏吗,是遗落在阴沟之下。Are you hiding away, lost Under the sewers.

我们再重复一遍,这就是过去的阴沟。This, we repeat, was the sewer of the past.

阴沟杆菌,并在3小时后开始治疗。Cloacae , and therapy was initiated 3 h later.

阴沟是阴险的,可以告发你。The sewer is treacherous and tells tales of you.

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洗具呢,就是你掉到了一个露天的阴沟里,结果就挂掉了。Comedy is when you fall down an open sewer and die.

阴沟每打一个噎,就耗费一千法郎。Every hiccough of our sewers costs us a thousand francs.

我可以随意四处跑,有时我便跑去睡在阴沟里。I go out alone, whenever I choose, I sometimes sleep in the ditches.

证明就是他一出阴沟就被捕了。The proof of it is, that on emerging from the sewer, he was arrested.

本赛季中超鲁能还有着“阴沟翻船”的经历。This season superior Luneng also has the sewer capsizes the experience.

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在莫斯科的一所公园中,一只浣熊躺在阴沟里躲避烈日。A racoon lies in a shady ditch to escape the hot sun at a zoo in Moscow.

在房屋和街道较少的地方,阴沟的通风洞也少。Where there are fewer houses and streets, the sewer has fewer air-holes.

拉波特若沙的旅行结束在智利的阴沟里,而格瓦拉是在玻利维亚的阴沟里翻了船。La Poderosa's journey ended in a ditch in Chile, Che's in a ditch in Bolivia.

枫树已经落叶,铺满了柏油路两旁的阴沟。The maple leaves had fallen and they lined the gutters of the asphalted streets.

我可以用这个词,小胡同和阴沟既然是我的摇篮,将来还会作我的灵床。I may use the word, for the alley and the gutter were mine, as they will be my deathbed.

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结论阴沟肠杆菌碳青霉烯类药物耐药由质粒介导的KPC-2酶引起。Conclusion The strain of carbapenem resistant Enterobacter cloacae produced KPC-2 carbapenemase.

他会面临一系列事件,可能令他阴沟翻船,主要是执政难题,”苏民峰说。He'll face a string of incidents that may trip him up, mainly administrative challenges," said So.

乔治脱下了茄克衫,卷起袖子。将右臂伸进阴沟盖里。George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed his right arm through the drain cover.