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看着星星围绕南天极旋转,又一个拉西亚天文台的不眠之夜。Just another night watching the stars rotate around the southern celestial pole at La Silla Observatory.

这些弯曲的星迹有一个明显的圆心,这就是南天极,它位于画面左上方边缘外一点点的位置上。At the apparent center of the curving trails, the South Celestial Pole lies just off the upper left edge.

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随后不久,天极公布收购PC365网站,并在上海成立新公司。Subsequently before long, celestial pole announces to buy PC365 website, establish new company in Shanghai.

可惜的是,大麦哲伦云位于南天极附近,结果住在香港的市民无缘得见。Unfortunately , the large magellanic cloud is near the south celestial pole and is not visible in hong kong.

北极星第二星的光度中的一颗星,位于小熊星座把柄的末端,几乎位于北天极。A star of the second magnitude at the end of the handle of the little dipper and almost at the north celestial pole.

从十字架一与底部蓝色恒星组成的直线上,南十字a星指向南天极。A line from Gamma Crucis through the blue star at the bottom of the cross, Alpha Crucis , points toward the south celestial pole.

在中国互联网协会主办的“2005-2006中国互联网产业调查”中,天极获得信息科技类网站第一名。China Internet Industry Survey 2005-2006 hosted by Internet Society of China, shows that Chinabyte is listed as No. 1 in IT website category.

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推荐有需求的网友购买,提及天极网还有进一步的价格优惠。The recommendation has the demand net friend purchase, mentions the celestial pole network also to have the further price preferential benefit.

她和下面的北斗二天璇组织的直线指向上方的北极星和北天极。Together with beta star Merak below, the two form a line pointing the way to Polaris and the North Celestial Pole off the top edge of the field.

天极同时还开展信息化咨询、在线IT培训、IT市场研究、网络营销咨询等多项专业服务。Chinabyte also provides its users with other services such as IT consulting, online IT training, IT market research, e-marketing consulting, etc.

随后,天色渐黑,星空依稀可见,地球的自转使得恒星在南天极和北天极沿着个子的轨道划下绚丽光环。Then, as the sky darkened, the stars became visible, the Earth’s spin making them trace their own circular paths about the north and south celestial poles.

这幅图描绘的是北天极区域,清晰可辨的北斗七星位于这张星图的底部,现在它是大熊座的一部分。In this example showing the north polar region, a very recognizable Big Dipper, part of the modern constellation Ursa Major, lies along the bottom of the chart.

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天极对应地球上皇帝的地位,这个以农耕为主国家,其大型统治体系自然而然都是围绕君王的地位。The celestial pole corresponded to the position of the emperor on earth, around whom the vast system of the bureaucratic agrarian state naturally and spontaneously revolved.

这幅拍摄于七月份、公布于本周的照片展示了群星围绕北极星的运动,北极星几乎完全精确的对准北天极。The shot, captured in July and released this week, shows the apparent motion of the stars around Polaris, the star that's almost exactly aligned with Earth's north celestial pole.

随着房地投资的多样化,天极公司响应市政府的号召,在市政府的政策支持下尝试对小区内专业化市场进行投资建设。In accordance with the diversification of real estate investment, Tianji Company responds to the government's proposal and tries to invest on a specialized market in a residential area.