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当我们将两个波叠加起来,就会有干涉现象。What it does change is how the electrons might interfere with other electrons.

人道主义干涉现象是客观存在于国际社会中的社会事实。Humanitarian intervention phenomena are social facts in the international society.

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结果表明,电子注的有限长度会引起自发辐射光脉冲的自干涉现象。It is shown that there is self-interference caused by a finite length of the pulse beam.

光子被散射所引起的效应足以抹掉任何干涉现象。The effect of the photons being scattered is enough to smear out any interference effect.

文章简要地介绍了原子干涉现象及原子光学的发展历史和现状。We briefly review the history and current progress in atom interferometry and atom optics.

双缝衍射是指被单缝衍射调制的双缝干涉现象。Double slit diffraction is the double slit interference phenomenon modulated by single slit diffraction.

该模型很好地解释了激光自混合干涉现象。Finally the mathematical models of a practical fiber-optic self-mixing interference system are analyzed.

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机械波与电磁波的干涉现象已为人们所熟知。Till now, people have known very well about the interferences of the mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

为保证停车设备正常工作,相邻托架在运动过程中应不产生干涉现象。To ensure the parking equipment to work properly, the adjacent cages must not interfere with each other in the motion.

指出了一种“干涉现象”,它是与钣材展开成形有关的重要问题。This paper indicates an "interference phenomenon" which is an important problem related to the forming of heavy plates.

分析了齿轮啮合中的齿廓干涉现象,设计了齿轮啮合过程仿真算法。The phenomena of tooth profile interferences during gear mesh are analyzed, and a gear mesh simulation algorithm is designed.

内啮合锥齿轮传动同内啮合圆柱齿轮传动一样,都存在类似的曲率干涉和运动干涉现象。Like in internal cylindrical gears there are phenomena of curvature interference and kinematic interference in internal bevel gears.

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提出了电站锅炉吊装中干涉现象的计算机评判技术。A new computer aided technique has been mentioned for appraising interference phenomenon in the process of hoisting the utility boiler.

用激光照射牛顿半环来演示薄膜台阶的等厚干涉现象和测定薄膜厚度。Newton's half ring is rayed by laser to demonstrate the equivalent thickness interference phenomenon of film step and measure film thickness.

以牛顿环干涉现象为例,具体说明了服务器端网页课件的设计方法。To take the interference phenomenon of Newtons ring as an example, the design method of the Web page courseware on Web server side is explained.

用自制设备拍摄到水中气泡界面附近的干涉条纹图像证实了水中气泡界面的干涉现象。The image of interference fringes near the bubble interface in water, which taken using self-made devices, has proved the interference phenomena.

普通物理实验中,牛顿环干涉实验只考虑在凸透镜与平面玻璃之间形成空气薄膜下的干涉现象。In interference experiments with Newton's ring, considered only is the interference of the air film formed between the convex lens and the plain glass.

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多孔氧化铝的光学反射率随入射波长红移呈增加趋势,反射光谱具有明显的干涉现象。The optical reflectivity of the porous alumina membrane is increased with incident light red-shift, the reflective spectrum has obvious interference phenomenon.

对同一水斗,将第二射流的流动解析结果与对应的第一射流流态结果相叠加,就可根据叠加的水膜流态判断旋转水斗内的射流干涉现象。Moreover, by superimposing the result of flow analysis under the second jet on the one under the first jet, the jet interference in a bucket is numerically verified.

其他重要内容还有白色光分解为彩色光、光谱的本质及类型、干涉现象、衍射现象以及偏振现象等。Of importance also are the separation of white light into its constituent colors, the nature and types of spectra, interference, diffraction, and polarization phenomena.