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船遇风暴,不择港口。Any port in a storm.

在另一方面,他是个不择不扣的暴君。On the other hand, he is a real despot.

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口不择言是他的特征。It is characteristic of him to talk nonsense.

有些人是为了打发时间,也许会口不择言地乱讲一通。Some one may babble a lot willingly to kill time.

“人们都认为他已急不择言,”一位克林顿高级顾问说。"People just figure he's desperate, " says a top Clinton adviser.

几百人开始慌不择路地逃生,但只有1个出口。Hundreds of revellers then tried to flee, but there was only 1 exit.

一些工人慌不择路从10楼跳下,坠地丧生。Some of those who perished jumped to their deaths from the 10th floor.

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就种眉豆、丝瓜吧,这东西不择地,先试验试验。It kind of cowpea, towel gourd, this thing is not optional, the first test.

虽然宋小星看上去乖巧可爱,事实上她却是一个不择不扣的小淘气包。As adoreable as she looks here, she was actually quite the noisy little brat.

当时,她儿子的一个朋友的母亲不知从哪里冒出来冲她口不择言地大叫大嚷。The mother of one of her son’sfriends appeared from nowhere, shouting insults.

尤其是在网络上,人们无需面对面交谈,因此更容易口不择言。Particularly online, where it's easy to say things you'd never say face to face.

如果猫咪靠得太近,老鼠要不选择顽抗要不就慌不择路拼命逃跑。If the cat gets close, the rat will choose either to fight or to run for its life.

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一旦这些野马慌不择路地跑入钢围栏内,那么它们便失去了属于自己的未来。As they run towards a trap of steel fencing, many of them face a future far from the range.

梦想很快就要降临了,这为他带来了另一天迷惑、迟钝和不择不扣的失败。The dream falls short leading to another day of misty un-adroit perseverance of non-achievement of himself.

此时程咬金慌不择路跑到了男儿身边,正巧男儿对老百姓们表示自己想要跨下之马。The path to bite gold HuangBuZeLu ran around man, just to be the folks who said he wanted to cross the horse.

于是,一种鸟逐渐形成了跟随这个掠食大军的习惯,愉快地将那些在空中慌不择路的飞虫一一享用。A kind of bird evolved to follow the pillaging army, happily picking off the agitated fleeing insects in the air.

有一只胆小的小老鼠偶然来到他的面前,受惊吓的小老鼠慌不择路,跑到了狮子的鼻子上。A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright and haste to get away, ran across the Lion's nose.

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你也知道这个时候你会慌不择言,把很多平时不会说的恶毒的话都统统说了出来。And you also know that a great deal of ugliness comes out that you would rather not have exposed to them on a regular basis.

他们会爱死本田的可靠性,空间的宽敞,质地的轻柔以及当你开着本田路过时,其他司机的慌不择路。Honda. They'll love the reliability, the space, the lightness of touch and the way other road users part when they drive by.

我担心的是由于不孕导致的悲伤和绝望让一些夫妇慌不择路”。What worries me is that infertility is the cause of desperate ­sadness and couples will grasp any kind of straw such as this.