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在巨人的体内你们才宏阔浩瀚It is in the vast man that you are vast

文学现代主义与先前两三千年的文学样态之间存在着一条深邃而宏阔的断层线。There is a profound fault line between modernism and the dominating literary forms of the preceding eras.

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第二部分从汉大赋中表现出来的宏阔的宇宙意识,分析其深层次的审美内涵。The second part analyzes the deep aesthetic connotation through the presentation of the consciousness for universe.

自清末新政起,一个更深刻、更宏阔的新兴法律教育人才观才真正勃兴。From the new politics of the Late-Qing Dynasty, a deeper and grander talent view of legal education appeared really.

如何在更为宏阔的视野中寻求多元综合与创新,是当代文艺理论批评面临的新问题。Therefore to seek a synthesis of multiplicity and originality is a new task for contemporary literary criticism and theories.

结语在文化诗学的视野中,应当把文学文本的分析与宏阔的历史文化语境密切结合起来进行阐释。Conclusion In the view of Cultural Poetics, we should explain issues by combining text analysis with broad historical and cultural context.

作为一位视野宏阔、勇于开拓的大思想家,维柯在哲学与社会科学诸多领域都取得了斐然的成就。As a thinker with a wide view and great mind, Vico has acquired abundant achievements in the fields of philosophy and other social sciences.

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纳米比平原有两亿年的年龄,它的亘古不变对到此一游的旅人有巨大的精神冲击力,大自然混沌初开的宏阔壮丽,使现代世界中的种种烦恼变得不值一提。This is nature in all its primeval magnificence, where troubles of the modern world become utterly insignificant. It is also a place of fun.

中国学者从宏阔的宇宙观人手对丰富的人生及其应有的道德准则进行了全面而深入的论述。Starting from a macrocosmic view, Chinese scholars have made a comprehensive and deep-going discussion of the abundant life and its moral principles.

这些图片与文字,可以引领我们走入那个遥远、宏阔、神秘的青藏高原,走近那些淳朴、虔诚、执著的藏民族。The pictures and text can bring us into the remote, vast and mysterious Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and get us closer to the honest, pious and persevering Tibetan people.

星汉诗词自觉接续西域汉诗传统,拓展题材,结构宏阔,创造新境,自成高格,在全国诗词界影响出众。He inherits the tradition of Han Chinese poetry in the ancient Western Regions, expands the genre and his poems are characteristic of grand structured and new settings.

全方位的敞开造就了宏阔博大而又丰富敏锐的心灵空间,积极健康的心态又为诗人心灵与视野中的意识和存在照进明朗的亮色,故可以说盛唐诗人的心灵敞而且亮。This overall openness created a spiritual space of magnitude and plenitude, and an active and sound state of mind brightened the vision of the poets and their awareness of being.

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全面展示社会生活和人类精神生活的宏阔视野与把人类生活的全部内容视为一个有机整体来表现的创作原则,决定了托尔斯泰长篇小说的史诗性质。Talstoy s novels have the qualities of an epic , which find full expression in the broad social life and various human spiritual lives presented fully and skillfully in his novels.

就批评家的批评指归来说,他又遵循“文化―文艺―教化”的宏阔思路,希冀文学批评能够起到教化人心、振奋民气的作用。Secondly, in terms of his literary criticism, he followed a path from culture to art, and to education, hoping literary criticism could play a role of educating and inspiring the mass.

他说,自然“为我们灵魂所爱”,是关于我们的一切。它用简单的现象环绕包围我们,敦请我们去感受它最细微和最宏阔的法择。Nature which he says"is loved by what is best in us" is all about us inviting our perception of its remotest and most cosmic principles by surrounding us with its simpler manifestations.

他说,自然“为我们灵魂所爱”,是关于我们的一切。它用简单的现象环绕包围我们,敦请我们去感受它最细微和最宏阔的法则。Nature, which he says"is loved by what is best in us, " is all about us, inviting our perception of its remotest and most cosmic principles by surrounding us with its simpler manifestations.