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他的忘恩负义伤透了我的心。His ingratitude cut me to the heart.

把这个忘恩负义的混蛋踢出我们的国家。Kick the ingrate out of the country.

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他谴责她忘恩负义。He upbraided her with her ingratitude.

她有一个忘恩负义、怀恨于心的家庭。Her family are ungrateful and spiteful.

忘恩负义是卑劣的本质。Ingratitude is the essence of vileness.

是她忘恩负义把我惹火了。It's her ingratitude that grates on me.

你怎么可以这么无情!忘恩负义的家伙!How could you be so ungrateful! Ingrate!

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那位老人斥责他忘恩负义。The old man upbraided him with ingratitude.

我实在是一个忘恩负义的大坏蛋!I am an ungrateful, negative, terrible little girl!

我再也不跟像这样忘恩负义的人做朋友了。I will never make friends with such an ingrate again.

人确是很不义的,确是忘恩负义的。Verily , man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.

势力以为牺牲者的痛苦是忘恩负义。Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims.

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费金已告诉他,逃跑是件忘恩负义的事。Fagin had told O liver how ungrateful he had been to run away.

牧羊人追上野山羊,责怪它忘恩负义。The goatherd caught up with him and blamed his ungracious behaviour.

有钱的子女没时间陪伴年老的父母。真是忘恩负义!Rich kids have little time for their elderly parents. The ingratitude!

这看起来好像是小孩子的逆反,是一种普遍的忘恩负义。It seems to be "rebellion" of the kids a universal ungrateful behavior.

从此除了忘恩负义的无休止循环将不再有其他循环了。There would be no cycles save for the never-ending cycle of ingratitude.

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其实,他并不气恼他们自我安慰和忘恩负义的模式。Verily, he is not indignant at their modes of consolation and ingratitude.

你们少数族群总是忘恩负义,是多数印度教徒的额外负担。Your minority is extremely unthankful and an extra burden on Hindu majority.

我们做人不能忘恩负义,但要饮水思源,而为此尊重我们的父母亲。We should not behave like the bean forgetting its pod but honour our parents.