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他的呼吸迟缓而困难。His breathing is laboured.

这种决策上的迟缓可以追溯到多年前。The torpor dates back years.

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他那迟缓的头脑瞥见了它。His sluggish mind gropes for it.

但是工程进度迟缓,而且耗资巨大。But progress is slow and expensive.

动作皆迟缓,但咬啮有力。It is sluggish But has a strong Bite.

而BP的领导层似乎对此充耳不闻,行动迟缓。BP's leadership seemed tone-deaf and slow.

鞭毛摆动迟缓或停止运动。Movement of the flagella became slow or stopped.

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谦爱的肌肉发展得过度迟缓。Savannahs muscles have been developing too slowly.

刘兆玄因在莫拉克后反应迟缓而引起公愤。Liu came under fire for reacting slowly after Morakot.

他有风湿病,所以行动非常迟缓。He moved very slowly because he suffered from rheumatism.

道路施工使早上的交通迟缓下来。The roadworks are slowing the traffic up in the mornings.

凯和瑞拉出了门,脚步迟缓地下楼去了。Kiah and Rilla left the room, and walked slowly downstairs.

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缺锌组大鼠食欲减退,生长发育迟缓,出现缺锌体征。The zinc deficient rats had poor appetite and retarded growth.

吾人报告一具有毛发变化及发育迟缓的病例。We report a patient with hair changes and develop- mental delay.

他/她会表现得行动迟缓,容易哭泣,或显得非常消沉。He or she may move slowly, cry or otherwise appear very depressed.

照她的年龄来说,母亲的身体还很好,但这些天行动迟缓了一些。Mom’s doing great for her age, but she’s moving slower these days.

大块头女人,大胸,行动迟缓,红头发,清洁工的前女友。Heavy woman, large breast, slow, red hair, cleaner's ex-girlfriend.

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于是一记重击使我脚步迟缓,在我奔跑并消隐于暮霭中之前。So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk.

目的研究迟缓爱德华菌溶血素的特征。Aim study the characteristic of the hemolysin of Edwardsiella tarda.

与其他真正的海豹一样,加勒比僧海豹的陆地行动迟缓。Like other true seals, the Caribbean Monk Seal was sluggish on land.